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Question about quality assurance

Hello, I'm a recent diagnostic radiography graduate from the UK. I've just had an interview that I think went fairly well. One area I was asked to talk about in the interview, however, I think I was less well informed about than others. I was asked to outline some quality assurance tests I know of. In my training, we were shown some digital radiography quality assurance tests briefly at the start of our clinical placement and I recalled these. I think I should probably brush up on my knowledge of them, however.

I was just wondering if anyone has any good resources (preferably UK-based) on the full range of quality assurance tests usually/regularly employed in digital radiography? I know regular quality assurance tests are mandatory under IR(ME)R 2017 legislation. If I remember rightly from classes, in the UK, suggestions made by the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) are used to inform what tests should be performed. If anyone has any information on this too, I would be really grateful. None of my radiography/medical physics books cover this in depth.

Thanks in advance for any help.

submitted by /u/Jade792
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