Hello there. First of all, I'd like to apologise if this is not the place for this, but I am truly in need of help. And second of all, apologise for my english, for it is not the best. Anyway, I'm on my way to becoming a Radiology Technician, pactically finished it already and the only thing I have to do now is this ''Final Paper'' (I have no idea what the english term is, lol, but its basically that big project at the end of the course) The thing is, they asked us to create a fictional Clinic, in wich we have to excecute these 3 themes: Hemodynamics, Nuclear medicine and Radiotherapy. Seems simple right? But it isn't, as we (people from the group) have no prior experience in the area, or in an assignment of this scale. We need things like description of the Clinic, expenses, what exams we peform on the clinic, the equipment, basically we need to make this clinic seems as legit and operational as possible. The focus on the assignment is the ...