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Showing posts from November, 2021

how’s staffing where you’re at?

i currently work in outpatient doing CT & MRI and my boss just called to tell me our parent hospital is at critical staffing and they’re offering $10/hr bonus to go work over there. so how’s staffing for you guys? we’re understaffed as hell and part of the issue is they pay lower than our biggest competitor in the area (and have worse benefits, i know this bc i worked for our competitor before i came here). i’m just curious ! submitted by /u/_gina_marie_ [link] [comments] source

Swallowed the keys to success.

submitted by /u/Kitchen_Reach8756 [link] [comments] source

GoHealth Urgent Cares

Just curious if anyone has ever worked for or has an opinion about working for the GoHealth Urgent Care chain. They are constantly sending me emails about how desperate they are for techs but they never post their wages. submitted by /u/Bullarja [link] [comments] source

Radiotherapy tech

Hi. Someone has information about how good is Pima Medical for Radiotherapy? I am thinking about going there, specifically in Chula Vista, California. Thank you very much 🙏🏽 submitted by /u/MaggieKstro [link] [comments] source

What is up with the adrenal glands here -- are they enlarged, hemorrhaging? Young medical student in need of assistance

submitted by /u/ultimate2019 [link] [comments] source

Question for my fellow CT techs

Hello all, I'm considering doing some travel tech work. The problem for me is I've only ever worked on a Siemens and have only ever worked at one facility in my career since I was hired and cross trained at my clinical site. How hard is it to learn a new machine? I'm paranoid about potentially taking a job at a facility that uses a GE or a Toshiba and not getting enough time to train on it. Any advice is welcome submitted by /u/CecilWeasle [link] [comments] source

Registry review

Hi everyone. I am currently in x-ray school and graduate in June. I plan on taking the registry ASAP after graduation and I am starting to look into review material. I already bought Rad Tech Boot Camp because it was required for school, but I was also looking into the online Kettering Seminar. Did anyone use this and find it beneficial. Does anyone know any other reviews that are beneficial? submitted by /u/Major-Response1828 [link] [comments] source

Hemonephrosis from obstructing UPJ stone

submitted by /u/radiologistHQ [link] [comments] source

CT reconstruction of a rickham reservoir

submitted by /u/Harri9910 [link] [comments] source

Carestream dental

Hi all, I want to help me department take good dental images I know planmeca has a great range of videos on positioning on their website just wondering if carestream has something similar in particular for their tmjs . If so could you please send me the links. Greatly appreciated submitted by /u/Kari_slash [link] [comments] source

see the words ive highlighted in blue, would that be considered a report or a diagnosis?

Https:// one more question: is there any software you suggest to download the whole set of Mri images at once from here? submitted by /u/cookred [link] [comments] source

It’s a Fluoro Christmas

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

CT Scan of Abdomen and Pelvis

On a CT that involves the pelvis are bones usually seen? Lumbar spine, sacrum, coccyx, etc. I'm moving down a path with my GP and an upcoming PMR specialist trying to figure out a source of chronic 2-month back/tailbone pain and I'm trying to understand if two prior CTs (Nov 2020 and Apr 2021) would serve as helpful evaluating bone issues (tumors for example although I know that's unlikely given my age, 37, and medical history). I imagine I have an MRI in my future regardless. submitted by /u/reelmike84 [link] [comments] source

Am I imagining, but is there something stuck between this ped's pt's legs?

submitted by /u/Empty_Truth_5567 [link] [comments] source

Started a new series on tik tok YouTube Sonographer Reacts this one’s Chicago med

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

Dicom files

Hello, I am not a radiologist. I am someone who is into 3d printing. I recently had a ct scan of my head and I want to 3d print my skull. I have the files but I don't know how to build a view of my skull. All I see is loads of 2mm slices. Just after the scan, the ct tech showed me what my skull looked like on the screen in 3d. I don't know what he did so I am not sure how to replicate it. Anyone have any suggestions on how to do this? Thank you submitted by /u/Significant-Fix5008 [link] [comments] source

Passed ARRT on Saturday. Is there something I should be doing so I can work ASAP?

Hi there. My school really hasn’t given me much guidance on what I need to do. There’s a per diem spot waiting for me at my clinical site. The radiology manager emailed me asking if I’ve applied for CRT (I’m in California) and fluoro, but I’m pretty confused here. Can I get the ball rolling on certain things outside of just waiting ~ 4 weeks for things to process with ARRT? Any insight appreciated! submitted by /u/RobotWilfordBrimley [link] [comments] source

Please fill in this Survey: University students researching the use cases for a developmental technology in MR imaging.

As part of our business school project, we are currently working with a couple of scientists who are trying to develop a new technology in the MRI space. It would mean a lot if you could fill in this 2-minute survey. It is on qualities and is completely anonymized. This would really mean a lot to us. Here is the link :\_4YibDbaI6jhv930 ​ Thank you so much!! If we have broken any rules of the subreddit please let us know. It was not intentional and we would like to rectify the same. submitted by /u/serj0009 [link] [comments] source

How to improve as a Radiologist?

Hello everyone, I am just about to start Radiology training however I know I'll be in a relatively unsupportive environment. I am posting to ask Radiologists - How did you improve as Radiologists ? Were there resources that prepared you for certain modalities/pathologies? Thank you for your time submitted by /u/Dr-Z-Au [link] [comments] source

Multiple T2 Hyperintense Lesions found on Liver in Grade 1 Breast Cancer MRI.

Hi everyone. Would appreciate any input or feedback based on the below. My mother recently got diagnosed with a Grade 1, cancerous, Triple positive tumor of around 13mm in her breast. Also, it’s been clinically evaluated as T2 N0 and the oncologist said that it was caught super early and the prognosis is very good. However, when doing an MRI (focusing on the breasts) extra findings were detected in the liver of multiple T2 Hyperintense lesions with the comment from the pathologist saying ‘more screening is required’. The above has obviously made us all so anxious and worried since this accidental finding makes us worry that metastasis has occurred. According to the oncologist, benign tumors on the liver is common, however, with the scary thought of the Breast cancer having metastasized into the liver is making us feel uncomfortable until we go for more screenings. Also, there is no indication of any lymph node spread from the breast tumor but we have been told in very unusual cas...

MRI of secondary hemochromatosis

submitted by /u/radiologistHQ [link] [comments] source

What are bright white spots on contrast mri’s ?

submitted by /u/cantstopthissugar [link] [comments] source

Got a spinal xray for kyphosis, what are these things the arrows are pointing at?

submitted by /u/Prize_Mastodon_2249 [link] [comments] source

Eye 👁 trick (making a video on eye ultrasound)

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

Loved PE studies as a new-ish CT tech. Five years in, I hate them.

Pregnant patient out of OB, obese. Ah crap. Chart says 104 kg/ 230lbs, I suspect more than that. Was about 5'6". Was not on supplemental O2. Left AC IV was great, so that was nice. Flow rate 5mL/sec without issue. Breath hold deactivated. On SmartPrep monitoring on the main pulmonary artery, I only needed three sliced before I hit scan, we manual it here. Slice 1: 62 HU Slice 2: 147 HU Slice 3: 270 HU. Sweet! SCAN. Scan: 155 HU. DAMMIT I did one just like this one last week out of the ER (pregnant, obese), nailed it. I really hate these scans sometimes. submitted by /u/and_a_dollar_short [link] [comments] source

Eye ball 👁 ultrasound

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

Weekly Career / General Questions Thread

This is the career / general questions thread for the week. Questions about radiology as a career (both as a medical specialty and radiologic technology), student questions, workplace guidance, and everyday inquiries are welcome here. This thread and this subreddit in general are not the place for medical advice. If you do not have results for your exam, your provider/physician is the best source for information regarding your exam. Posts of this sort that are posted outside of the weekly thread will continue to be removed. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] source

Oh yeah!

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Need To Interview X-Ray Tech

Hello Radditors, I'm currently about to apply to the ASR (associate of science in radiography) program at my school and need to interview a certified X-Ray Tech to apply. I don't think this breaks the rules of this subreddit so I thought of asking here since the x-ray techs at my school/hospital are being asked by all the students applying and take weeks to respond. We can talk over zoom, google meets, skype, etc if you would like to be interviewed by me. There are 10 questions I need to ask you that I will post below. You can PM me on here if your interested :) Questions: Tell me about what a typical day looks like as a radiographer. 2. What does a radiographer do? How is this different from a radiologist’s responsibilities? 3. What do you love about the radiology career field that gets you out of bed in the morning and coming to work? 4. How is radiography different from other health professions, like nursing? 5. How much hands-on patient care do you have daily? 6. Explai...

CT Volume Rendering of Abdomen

I’ve been tinkering around with my DICOM medical imaging software and wondering, could anyone tell me what the different colors represent? There are many hues of reds, oranges, yellows etc. I’m referring to the coronal view, if that helps. Anything that could point me in the “help” direction would be great! Thanks. submitted by /u/Hhy310 [link] [comments] source

Radiation Therapy Certificate

I’m aware that just getting a certificate in radiation therapy in most states isn’t enough to obtain a job. I was curious if I were to get an associates in allied health sciences and obtain a certificate in Radiologic Technology and down the line obtain a Radiation Therapy certificate if that is better then just receiving a RT certificate alone? submitted by /u/Cheech1016 [link] [comments] source

Linear opacities on chest x ray

Ive been trying to learn to spot linear opacities on x rays but this seems very difficult. For example this xray from a research paper that claims there are linear opacities but where are they. How does one tell the difference between the normal vasculature and linear opacities. submitted by /u/leader4747 [link] [comments] source

Does anyone here have any experiences with PIMA Seattle?

I'm asking this question on behalf of my significant other who isn't a Redditor. He can't get into any Radiology Tech community college programs near us (not without a lack of trying. He has great grades, but it's just too damn competitive). PIMA seems like an alluring option, but we're both skeptical as it gives of "scam school" vibes. Reviews online aren't great either. Any testimonials from PIMA Seattle is greatly appreciated. Thanks submitted by /u/dazedandused [link] [comments] source

Any thoughts on these spinal images of me?

submitted by /u/waveplay [link] [comments] source

Optimizing DWI. Link in comment

submitted by /u/s_magnetic_vlog [link] [comments] source

Anyone else? There are only two of us.

submitted by /u/4883Y_ [link] [comments] source

Serious question for the residents in here.

Is there a practical reason to order P.O. Ativan for a patient currently having anxiety issues in the MRI scanner? Let me set up the scenario. I call a patient up for a 10 minute MRI of their brain. SURPRISE! They find out they are severely claustrophobic. You as the resident get the request for meds from the nurse or myself. Considering I am not a physician, please walk me through the process of choosing P.O. or I.V. submitted by /u/k3464n [link] [comments] source

Question from a new CT Tech

submitted by /u/NavyNuke55 [link] [comments] source

Ovarian microvascular flow imaging

submitted by /u/radiologistHQ [link] [comments] source

Power to the rads

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Mild cervical stenosis? Am I missing anything?

submitted by /u/Suncityantihero [link] [comments] source

AI for radiology - A survey

Hello folks! We are a group of students from Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University (Sweden). We are conducting a short survey (it should not take more than 10 minutes of your time) to evaluate an Artificial Intelligence framework for evaluating medical imaging and, in particular, the effect that explainability can have on clinicians' attitudes toward it. We welcome anyone who interacts with medical imaging to take our survey, so please, feel free to do it even if you are still a student or an intern! If you know someone who works in the field, please, pass them the survey. It would help us greatly. Thanks in advance to all of you! submitted by /u/francozzz [link] [comments] source

MVA with occluded/transected left renal artery

submitted by /u/radiologistHQ [link] [comments] source

Travel techs, what city/cities did you enjoy working/staying in the most and why?

Some people from my site have decided to go the travel route and it got me thinking about what places other techs had great times in. What are y’all’s thought? submitted by /u/fakefries [link] [comments] source

Optimizing dose for Ceph images

Hi all, The cephalometric views at my hospital are a bit high dose compared to various international DRLs/etc so I'm looking to play with the technique factors a little bit. My understanding of ceph views is that lines, angles and outlines are drawn on the images to characterize the skeletal/jaw structure. Naively, I feel like this doesn't really require superb image quality to do since it's looking at quite contrasting and large structures - is there something I'm missing here? I don't want to detract from image quality too much if it's needed. submitted by /u/lolsail [link] [comments] source

X-rays of electronic devices I made at school 3 years ago

submitted by /u/newlander007 [link] [comments] source

We’ve all been there

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

CT Scanner without a cover

submitted by /u/HazelnutIcedCof [link] [comments] source

I call this phone filming inception. You can see when the X-rays hit.

submitted by /u/Roentgenographer [link] [comments] source

History of axillary DVT from thoracic outlet syndrome. Any guess which side?! 🤓

submitted by /u/IToldYouKaren [link] [comments] source

Brace yourselves

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

CT Scanner without cover

submitted by /u/AP-16 [link] [comments] source

Hug your kids.

submitted by /u/RockHardRocks [link] [comments] source

Radiology Case of the Week: X-ray & CT of Gallstone Ileus

submitted by /u/radiologistHQ [link] [comments] source

Toddler seen in urgent care today, my first femur fracture in two years

submitted by /u/PennySycamore [link] [comments] source

CTA follow non contrast head CT: for radiology residents

submitted by /u/xpietoe42 [link] [comments] source

From the ER tonight. Radiology residents: Can you see the non contrast CT finding? Theres a f/u CTA next

submitted by /u/xpietoe42 [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Behold: “A reciprocating saw fell [out of] a tool bag and landed on [his] neck. Literally, less than 1mm from being a quadriplegic or dead.”

submitted by /u/bumblebeeslim [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/RockHardRocks [link] [comments] source

When you have to give CPR to an Anti-Vaxxer

submitted by /u/4883Y_ [link] [comments] source

Dermoid/teratoma- about 5 years ago I had a lot of pain and found that I have this on my ovary. I had a ct and my gyno said it’s fine. My sister does ultrasounds and looked at it a few days ago and it just looks crazy. I thought about sending this to my gyno and asking for another ct to check on it.

submitted by /u/drthvadrade [link] [comments] source

Ileus in the sky! ☁️ cloud photo 📸 by isabel restrepo velez

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

Fresh from ER last night. Anyone guess the name of the syndrome the pt came to the er for symptoms of?

submitted by /u/xpietoe42 [link] [comments] source

How much push back does your facility give regarding provided history?

One of the few things about radiology that I dislike is the sub-servitude attitude the department has because rads = money therefore keep people ordering studies therefore keep them happy/placated aka don’t give them a “hard time”. My department has sent out emails before regarding the need to do a better job addressing the purpose of the study because a handful of times the ordering clinician actually put useful information in the script, but it wasn’t on the facesheet and pathology was missed/not addressed. Fine, that’s fair But yet all day everyday, radiologists and radiology personnel deal with studies where absolutely zero effort is put in to provide useful history, and nobody says a thing. Garbage in, garbage out. Just wondering if some of y’all work in places that absolutely hold ordering clinicians responsible for providing better patient care. submitted by /u/Team-Total [link] [comments] source

Party trick

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Who says it has to be cylindrical?

submitted by /u/4883Y_ [link] [comments] source

Explaining ultrasound to students and other healthcare workers

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

Have any Covid-19 imaging studies?

Hey everyone, sorry if this isn’t allowed. If any of my rad colleagues have some interesting images of Covid lungs, I’d love to have them posted in /r/CovidCaseReports . I started the sub to pretty much post about covid cases I come across in the ER. I would love to see some others, too. submitted by /u/200KetamineIV [link] [comments] source

CT registry and sectional anatomy

I passed my CT test today and wanted to share the resources I made to do it. I was very frustrated with my inability to narrow down what sectional I should study, and I really only do well with flashcards, so I took almost every image of anatomy from clovers CTtechbootcamp as well as Mosbys and created quizlet diagrams. I used strictly these images and the mosby book + online quizzes and was way overprepared for the test. (There are a few gaps in the numbers due to several slices being removed. I also added a lot of extra head and neck). I was going to share it with some classmates, hope this helps some people here too. ​ submitted by /u/horseforconsul [link] [comments] source

Send a pigeon stat

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Why isn't everything seen on imaging reported on report?

So my question is, why isn't everything noted on a radiology report? For example, on two different abdominal MRI's one reports large, small bowel, and lymph nodes but the other one does not. Or not reporting of spine on abdominal mri. Does this depend on the radiologist and can things be missed this way? submitted by /u/usmcbrian [link] [comments] source

Do you think your paid your worth in radiology compared to nursing?

I'm a lab scientist and I'm in a group on fb that is constantly discussing our wages especially in comparison to nurses. We average about 28 an hour and do 70% of the diagnostic work for HC. My first love in HC was radiology but then after shadowing for weeks I realized how many people I would have to touch/hold/mansplain/coax into staying put for 7 seconds all for them to not do it....and the bedpans. I was just wondering since rad is more hand on, always up and doing portables, positioning patients etc etc... do you feel the same? Do you think that you should also get the 20k sign on bonus that nurses get and make 45 an hour? Also, do you feel that your field is dying from the boomers retiring and not enough ppl coming into the field (cause that's our main issue in lab, minus the pay and being treated really crappy by nurses). I'm just trying to see if it's really just lab vs nurse or if it's the entire hc system broken and favoring nurses because they are ...

I x-rayed my car and house keys.

submitted by /u/Donthurlemogurlx [link] [comments] source

Weekly Career / General Questions Thread

This is the career / general questions thread for the week. Questions about radiology as a career (both as a medical specialty and radiologic technology), student questions, workplace guidance, and everyday inquiries are welcome here. This thread and this subreddit in general are not the place for medical advice. If you do not have results for your exam, your provider/physician is the best source for information regarding your exam. Posts of this sort that are posted outside of the weekly thread will continue to be removed. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] source

Lock and arm

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Left and right arm of a professional right handed tennis player

submitted by /u/jthelaw [link] [comments] source

New to radiology, patient reporting swelling, neurological and joint pain from trauma injury. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/The-DorkKnight [link] [comments] source

That sharp edge of bone on the left of the break kinda freaks me out. Is that going to be okay?

submitted by /u/egyptianskincat [link] [comments] source

Trauma portable scap y tips

Can someone explain to me how to get a somewhat decent scap y on a patient with a scapular fracture. If they can’t move their arms or roll onto the affected side, would you have them roll on the unaffected side and try to get a lateromedial view? I’m lost submitted by /u/DonJar11 [link] [comments] source

I’m almost certain I’ve worked with administratium before. Caution: it’ll burn you.

submitted by /u/TurbulentSetting2020 [link] [comments] source

Iodine Contrast for CT can

submitted by /u/M-Sear [link] [comments] source