A few months ago I left my job at a level twtrauma pediatric hospital. I loved the job, my coworkers were awesome, hospital was new, equipment was top of the line, learned a huge variety of skills (fluoro, surgery,traumas, etc) I was really good at my job and felt I really made a difference. I was able to challenge myself constantly. However, my manager sucked, the pay really sucked, call rotation sucked, no chance for advancement, 5days a week, 2-3 weekend days a month, busted my butt working. Now I work at a hospital mostly doing abdomens and chests (90% of the work). The pay is significantly better, significantly lighter workload, better manager, 4/days during the weekdays, most of my coworkers are alright, one call weekend every 4-6weeks, I’m training in mammo now which is a big reason I left (I wanted to advance my career and learn another modality). This is the job people in my area fight for because it’s a great company. Sounds great right?! Except I don’t feel that fulfillm...