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Showing posts from November, 2022

Posted in a sub about the war in Ukraine. The comments are choice.

submitted by /u/KingKaiSuTeknon [link] [comments] source

Registry tomorrow!!!

Ahhh! I just took my exit HESI for my program and got a 1128, which I guess has a conversion rate of 99.9% according to my paper printout lollll. I am beyondddd happy because I thought I was failing the whole time. This score was better than any of my other mock scores, which is crazy cuz it was so hard?!! I guess I’m ready for my registry!!!! WISH ME LUCK! I will report back 😎 submitted by /u/brooke512744 [link] [comments] source

Patient went in for a colonoscopy...

submitted by /u/SilviaPlath [link] [comments] source

Request for Information About Challenges Faced When Treating Central Venous Stenosis/Obstruction

Hello! I am currently working on a university student startup project where my classmate/teammate and I are making efforts on developing a medical device to help in the treatment of central venous stenosis/obstruction. Part of the project is conducting "customer discovery", where we learn about pain points/challenges faced by providers that treat this medical condition by conducting a very brief interview/asking a few questions. As my classmate/teammate and I are trying to get as much data as possible, I was hoping to see if you all would be kind enough to answer a few questions for me: 1) What is your current method/procedure to address/treat central venous stenosis? 2) Are there any challenges/pain points present for you when conducting the procedure? If so, what are they? 3) If there are any challenges/pain points present, what would you like to see be improved upon? Thanks in advance for anyone willing to answer my questions, I really appreciate it! submitted by...

I got bored and learned how to read through my MRI slides. I appear to have some decent spinal stenosis at C6-C7 due to herniation of the disc.

submitted by /u/JetEngineAssblaze [link] [comments] source

Anyone at RSNA catch the proposed BIRADS mammography changes?

I missed the mammo section at the beginning of the talk. For reference, some of the other changes proposed (not yet incorporated) were BR4 for echogenic rim in US if not fat necrosis, naming axillary node levels for suspicious nodes, and getting rid of foci from the breast MRI lexicon. submitted by /u/myaltmusicalt [link] [comments] source

Hey guys I was involved in a car vs pedestrian accident back in 2021 my screw and robs broke within 3 months Dr said I’ll be ok. Do u think I should consider removing the screws or what need opinions

submitted by /u/Flaky_Employer1930 [link] [comments] source

oof - I don't see these often.

submitted by /u/ashley0115 [link] [comments] source

Multigated acquisition (MUGA) - Procedure in which patient’s RBCs are radiolabeled and gated cardiac scintigraphy is obtained.

submitted by /u/Ok_Combination_889 [link] [comments] source

Subclavian steal syndrome (SSS). Bovine aortic arch. Aortic arch aneurys...

submitted by /u/VsevolodZviryk [link] [comments] source


Hey! Just had a CT IVU for Heamaturia and Heamatospermia. I just want to know will this scan cover anything that's going on in the testicle area/reproductive system area? Everything online seems to aim towards it only scanning kidneys to bladder? Thanks for your help submitted by /u/Backounceagain [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

anyone down for a game of marbles?

submitted by /u/_gina_marie_ [link] [comments] source

I was diagnosed with idiopathic interstitial lung disease.

submitted by /u/its_Burt_Macklin [link] [comments] source

FML... am I some kind of celebrity now?

Just attended my first real anaphylaxis after contrast agent. Had my share of allergic reactions over the years with rashes, dizziness or Quinckes oedema, buy never full BP desceny to unconsciousness. Managed to norepinephrine him before total arrest. But... but.. contrast agent in question was a FU...ING SonoVue. There is like 100x higher chance of patient simulating arrest than actually getting it... submitted by /u/TractorDriver [link] [comments] source

Reporting eloquence

Hey guys, I’m a 2nd year radiology resident and I have noticed that while consultants agree with my findings more often than not. They change my vocabulary, like I feel the way I wrote findings was not good enough. Can anyone guide me how to improve my reporting style? submitted by /u/Ammwhat [link] [comments] source

Interesting Title

submitted by /u/Rude_Dr [link] [comments] source

Weekly Career / General Questions Thread

This is the career / general questions thread for the week. Questions about radiology as a career (both as a medical specialty and radiologic technology), student questions, workplace guidance, and everyday inquiries are welcome here. This thread and this subreddit in general are not the place for medical advice. If you do not have results for your exam, your provider/physician is the best source for information regarding your exam. Posts of this sort that are posted outside of the weekly thread will continue to be removed. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] source

When you order an exam and you don't know what it includes, why don't you just ask?

This isn't the first time I have gotten redundant orders, but I just got an order for CT facial bones and a separate order for CT Orbits. I explain to the MD the facial bones is from the bottom of the mandible through the frontal sinus, and then he asks if it includes the orbits. I am just venting, let's hear some stories of frustrating interactions. submitted by /u/D-Laz [link] [comments] source

The bane of my existence

So, I am in my last week of pre-req classes so I can apply for the rad tech program at my school. So far so good! Got a 4.0 in some classes but the bane of my absolute existence at the moment is college algebra. A&P lecture and lab are difficult but so awesome to learn and so far I'm doing pretty well with a 101% and 95% respectively. I haven't done any math, prior to March of this year, since high school in 2011. I crammed for the entrance exam and somehow passed but had to take intermediate because I was ONE POINT off from the cut. Got a 4.0, but now that I'm in college algebra, it's really rough on me. I'm honestly a bit worried for my chapter exam and my final exam that is only 2 days later. My question is, what is the kind of math I can expect in the course, granted I get in? Is it similar to algebra or is it something completely different? Physics was never my strong suit, but I passed. I half blame it on the teacher in high school, because when the stu...

Is rad tech a job you feel you can retire from/ physically work in until retirement?

I have been debating x ray/CT/MRI and was wondering what everyone’s input would be as far as retiring? In the nursing home I work at we have a traveling x ray tech with 40 years of experience. Is this realistic? submitted by /u/Tryin2FigureItOutSOS [link] [comments] source

can not having a full bladder reduce the chance of hydronephrosis seen in ct scan?

CT scan all normal except I didn't have full bladder (bladder is minimally distended precluding proper evaluation) so maybe that's why no hydronephrosis was seen? Is that logically right because there's not enough urine to back up to the kidneys? I feel like I have hydronephrosis because of my harder time to urinate... submitted by /u/Glittering_Plastic73 [link] [comments] source

Hello, so i did a ct scan of my abdomen and it shows alot of blackholes, just concerned plz if anyone can tell me if the ct is messed up and unclear and if it should be repeated and thank you all

submitted by /u/raniyoc [link] [comments] source

Is this broken?

submitted by /u/violiner88 [link] [comments] source

Bethany Three-Femurs - shar-pei mix puppy

submitted by /u/Leshunen [link] [comments] source

Question about markers on an MRI (cross-posted).

Hi, cross-posting from the MRI subreddit. Like I said there, thank you everyone here for being helpful and answering the questions of nervous normies like me! Not an interpretation Q. I hope this is allowed. I had an abdomen/pelvis MRI with & without contrast to locate a small mass that was detected on an ultrasound. (Not described as a mass on the report, but as a hypoechoic area.) The scan was done over 2 days because they couldn’t get a vein for the pre-contrast images. I was told to place the MRI stickers/ markers below and above the mass, but I accidentally placed the bottom marker DIRECTLY on the mass… rather than below it. Could this have obscured the area of interest, causing the radiologist to “miss” the area when viewing my scans? The report was unremarkable, though the lump is still palpable / painful. Thank you! submitted by /u/oceanfullofvetiver [link] [comments] source

Extravasation of Contrast Media

submitted by /u/Ok_Combination_889 [link] [comments] source

Perforated appendicitis on ultrasound & CT

submitted by /u/radiologistHQ [link] [comments] source

Artificial cardiac pacemaker

submitted by /u/psycuriosity [link] [comments] source

doctor dismissed radiology report. Is this normal?

submitted by /u/bustertoby [link] [comments] source

How Can I Stop the Negative Weight Comments?

Hi everyone! I work in mammo, X-ray, and BMD. For mammo and BMD we need to take everyone’s height and weight. I’m getting SO a burned out on hearing everyone complain about how fat they are. Does anyone have any phrasing or any tips on how to avoid these little comments even just a little bit? It’s so disheartening submitted by /u/AlfredoQueen88 [link] [comments] source

Any recommendations of how to learn how to read X-rays on my own?

Hi! I am currently an athletic trainer who is also in nursing school. My (very long-term) goal is to be a pediatric orthopedic nurse practitioner. I worked in an ortho clinic before leaving for nursing school and saw some super cool X-rays which sparked my interest to wanting to learn more about it. I’m aware reading textbooks etc., on my own isn’t the same as being taught, but I’d love to find a good book or course(my credentials probably wouldn’t allow entry to a course at this point) to start now. Thank you to anyone who can help! Also, thank you all for what you do!!! submitted by /u/Busy-Reward-2240 [link] [comments] source

Cect chest pathologies

submitted by /u/Equivalent_Match791 [link] [comments] source

Midbrain.. surprised by selfie! 😜😝😜

submitted by /u/xpietoe42 [link] [comments] source

Pelvic area MRI

Hey guys, wonder if pelvic mri will show possible damage to tunica albuginea/cavernous body and the veins that run into it? submitted by /u/divinedarkbg [link] [comments] source

Pregnant techs and fluro

Interested to see what other hospitals policies are on pregnant techs doing fluro cases (XR, CT, cath lab, surgery) My hospital has no policy other than to monitor fetal dose (up to 5 mSv I think?). I’m specifically curious if any place has a policy prohibiting pregnant techs from fluro all together? Or is it just an unspoken rule that the pregnant tech won’t do fluro cases? Let me know! submitted by /u/Melodic_Shoe_3617 [link] [comments] source

Is this mass on my right or left side? I got this xray Tuesday and I'm just trying to make sure I tell them exactly where this is...and does anyone know what the heck this could be? Any information on this would be very much appreciated. Thank you

submitted by /u/ihateusernames44509 [link] [comments] source

thought this might be of interest. CT scan of the temperal base of the skull showing complete opacification of the mastoid air cells and within the epitympan. findings consistent w/ left sided cholesteatoma

submitted by /u/asthestomachturns [link] [comments] source

How to deal with abusive xray techs?

I'm a student in my first clinical rotation. I feel like I've already learned so much and come a long way since my first day. However, I still have a few x-ray techs that see me as weak and like to put me down. They find reasons to bully me and make me feel like I am incompetent and won't make it as an x-ray tech. I asked one tech to review my image so that I can send it to PACS and told me to "shut up" and that, "I'm a slave to do x-rays for the day." Is this normal? Should I just put up with it until I graduate? Any advice on how I should act in future situations so I can overcome this will be great. Thank you. submitted by /u/AbusedRadTechStudent [link] [comments] source

Glowing PET

submitted by /u/Sufficient-Door4251 [link] [comments] source

Time for a radiology guessing game! What do YOU see? (Read comment for info, don't check original post for answer!)

submitted by /u/anxiousthespian [link] [comments] source

Like this?

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

I 🖤 radiology! ESP CT🙈

submitted by /u/dayindayout21 [link] [comments] source

A Koala-ty exam

submitted by /u/speedtech73 [link] [comments] source

for my MRI friends!

submitted by /u/Nathannuc [link] [comments] source

A comparison of the imaging appearance of breast cancer in African American women with non-Latina white women

submitted by /u/Madame_President_ [link] [comments] source

Normal appendix on ultrasound

submitted by /u/radiologistHQ [link] [comments] source

While I wait to see how screwed my ankle is, see if you can guess what's different about my foot. I've left a hint around.

W submitted by /u/Soggy_Sprinkles [link] [comments] source

IV question...

I'm curious y'all's policy about using IVs in the EJ (external jugular) for power injecting CT contrast? Every hospital I've ever been at said no, because if it infiltrates or something bad happens, the risk to the patient is far higher than just an AC IV. I'm at a small ER now where it's pretty rare to not be able to get a 20g in the AC, as our patients usually aren't that critical/sick. But, they just ordered a CTA chest on a patient and all they have is a line in the EJ. Charge nurse got mad at me, because patient is an IV drug user, and that's all they could get. We also don't have NM on site, so VQ isn't an option. I'm not asking advice what to do, because I already know I'm going to err on the side of caution when it comes to potentially harming a patient, I just wanted to know what other places do. Our policy only states "20 or 18 in AC for CTA," but doesn't specifically say NOT to use an EJ. I just know everywhe...

Internship at VA

My professor asked since I am a veteran myself if I would be interested in clinicals at the VA. I said yes, but now I'm worried since this is the government if I will be made to take a drug test during the onboarding. any advice or stories from people working in the VA would be great. I would consider applying for a position at some point as I am pretty sure I can use my 4 years of service towards my pension. submitted by /u/riverlilyx [link] [comments] source

Have you ever seen slices of an MRI of someone with Familial Spinal NF?

submitted by /u/Ancient_Pineapple993 [link] [comments] source

How much radiation will i be exposed to with scanning my cheek, the mandibular area.

I have a lump on my cheekbone to the right, The radiologist do not want me to take contrast dye also. I know that a single time exposure wont cause harm, but i still dont wanna expose myself to high levels unnecessarily submitted by /u/leonidas_164 [link] [comments] source

If I had a penny

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

some really cool old x-ray films of pregnant women - second image is of twins

submitted by /u/Educational-Formal21 [link] [comments] source

Ultrasound Tech is a Connoisseur

submitted by /u/LightboxRadMD [link] [comments] source

I am affraid if the radiologist missed the pe

So i am 25 years with a history of pe 5 years ago, as i went the er 3 days ago i told Them i had a pe and the past and the doctor order a scan to see if i had one, as the results showed i dont, i am still having severe chest pain and shortness of breath, so please if anyone can see the scans results and help me see if the scan is well interpreted cause I literally still having same symptoms and as i was doing the scan the told me to inhale to do the procedure but as i was taking a deep breath they told you have already done and i told them but i didnt even have time to inhale, so i feel they messed up especially after still having the same symptom( and heart enzymes and ekg was normal) and sorry for my bad English but I really need help submitted by /u/raniyoc [link] [comments] source

How To Use a Geiger Counter in Nuclear Medicine for Radiation Safety

submitted by /u/olympichealthphysics [link] [comments] source

Working in orthopedics is fun

submitted by /u/Purple4199 [link] [comments] source

Those of you that work in a facility without a radiologist on site on average how long does it take for telaradiology to read it?

At my current hospital we have a telaradiology service, and they constantly take upwards of 2-3 hours to read an exam. If the patient is critical we have to call our on call radiologist for a timely read. Just wondering if this is normal? submitted by /u/whysitspicy99 [link] [comments] source

labral tear?

submitted by /u/Skazi991 [link] [comments] source

Weekly Career / General Questions Thread

This is the career / general questions thread for the week. Questions about radiology as a career (both as a medical specialty and radiologic technology), student questions, workplace guidance, and everyday inquiries are welcome here. This thread and this subreddit in general are not the place for medical advice. If you do not have results for your exam, your provider/physician is the best source for information regarding your exam. Posts of this sort that are posted outside of the weekly thread will continue to be removed. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] source

Work in a smaller clinic or anything not a hospital?

I'm starting school next fall to do x-ray and just wanting some insight from people that have worked in other settings outside of the hospitals. Do you like it? What are schedule options like? What's your experience been like? submitted by /u/AntiAgentSmith [link] [comments] source

RECIST 1.1 criteria

submitted by /u/Ok_Combination_889 [link] [comments] source

Can someone read my report

Been having since 3 years upper chronic abdominal pain.. all tests come back negative. I just did MRCP mri and got the report. I don’t understand it.. Can someone tell me what I have. I have no gallstones submitted by /u/SxCjaguar [link] [comments] source

A De Beers mine worker is X-Rayed at the end of his shift for a diamond check. South Africa, 1954.

submitted by /u/joshchamp125 [link] [comments] source

CT scan of a 19 year old patient with a diagnosed parasitic twin attached to her back.

submitted by /u/Meotwister5 [link] [comments] source

Hi all. Broke 13 bones back in May. Currently dealing with my right tib/fib. I don’t have any sensation or feeling in my right foot, specifically the sole & the tips of my toes. The doctor is telling me I’ll need to get a fibulectomy. The fib is growing into the tib, and not allowing it to unionize

submitted by /u/TheKiddNiko [link] [comments] source

Need radiologist (or anyone of the sort) for an interview

Hello, I am going to a community technical college for my radiography degree to specialize in radiation therapy. For one of my classes I have to interview someone with my career path and ask them questions related to the field. If quite literally ANYONE with a degree can spare me just 30 minutes and a zoom call, you would absolutely save my grade. No one in my area is willing to help so I’m using the power of the internet. submitted by /u/garayeet [link] [comments] source

Acute appendicitis on ultrasound

submitted by /u/radiologistHQ [link] [comments] source

Thank you! Due to your support, my set is already in use in many hospitals to calm children before the eventually scarry examinations and I also extended it with a control room :) There are only 3 weeks left to support it on LEGO Ideas, I am happy for every share & support! :)

submitted by /u/kobalt93 [link] [comments] source

My wife's ankle. Required surgery.

submitted by /u/Clandenas97 [link] [comments] source

Dr of radiography program

is there anything like doctor of radiography I scrolling through the Internet sometimes ago and I stumbled upon a post about Dr of radiography been offered in duban University Pakistan or so submitted by /u/SufficientNeat273 [link] [comments] source

any guesses?

submitted by /u/Happy-Honeydew-5153 [link] [comments] source

A case of gastroschisis i took last year. Baby was a premie.

submitted by /u/talleygirl76 [link] [comments] source

Auto ped “5 mph”

submitted by /u/Pigwidgeonthepigeon [link] [comments] source