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Showing posts from October, 2022

Lay flat time after spinal procedure

Hi everyone Does your institution have a specific “lay flat time” after procedures such as LPs, steroid injection, myelograms, etc. Trying to get an idea what other places do in terms of length of time and what may change that length. Thanks! submitted by /u/spirit_of_the_mukwa [link] [comments] source

Understanding Veterinary Radiation Shielding Designs

submitted by /u/olympichealthphysics [link] [comments] source

[X-ray] Is this really a normal heart shape for an infant (about 18 months)? The heart is boot-shape? (Medical Student here FYI)

submitted by /u/stepneo1 [link] [comments] source

Got my full spine mri after months of pain how’s it look?

submitted by /u/Carterknowsitall [link] [comments] source

Complains of TMJ pain and shortness of breath

submitted by /u/ThirtyLastCalls [link] [comments] source

Weekly Career / General Questions Thread

This is the career / general questions thread for the week. Questions about radiology as a career (both as a medical specialty and radiologic technology), student questions, workplace guidance, and everyday inquiries are welcome here. This thread and this subreddit in general are not the place for medical advice. If you do not have results for your exam, your provider/physician is the best source for information regarding your exam. Posts of this sort that are posted outside of the weekly thread will continue to be removed. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] source

VOGM before and after 7 cerebrovascular embolizations

submitted by /u/lillena521 [link] [comments] source

Helium shortages effecting MRI machines (link- NBC news)

submitted by /u/NerdyComfort-78 [link] [comments] source

Abdomen ct scan

submitted by /u/Logical-Building9513 [link] [comments] source

MRI Physics, FINALLY, Explained!

Hey all, I’m so excited to present to you the first 3 lectures in a series of lectures that seek to finally teach MRI Physics in a logical, intuitive way. Like many of you, I've been through the standard MRI physics educational curriculum, paid money to listen to people talk about spinning arrows to no avail, sought out answers from better educators online, but after all that felt the most basic question wasn't being answered: How do we go from those spinning arrows to a contrasted image. This is testament to the difficulty of the subject, and after hundreds of hours of research, blood sweat tears and profanity laced tirades, I believe I can finally bring you a decent explanation that will help anyone understand this amazing subject, from the curious layperson to practicing radiologists. And these will all be free for everyone to enjoy, we get nickel and dimed enough these days, just ask you share them with anyone interested. Link to the first lecture below, others available o...

Car meets motorcyclist

submitted by /u/got_the_meat [link] [comments] source

Non-tech here. Would you mind gentlefolk please give me some basics for how to look at imaging?

I know it's too complicated to condense into a mini tutorial, but I enjoy this sub even though I know nothing about reading x-rays. I'd welcome a little advice to get a sense of when an image is done right or wrong. Perhaps you can use a recent example that I can study along with? submitted by /u/gomi-panda [link] [comments] source

B.S in radiology vs Associate

What are the benefits of getting a BS versus an associate? Is there a pay increase because of your educational background? Or is everyone equal once they pass the board? I’m currently in a B.S. program submitted by /u/Ok_Pie615 [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/JOS444UA [link] [comments] source

Alternate pathway Radiology

Hi all fellow radiologists, ​ Is anyone here in an alternate pathway here that could share more info? ​ Sincerely A European radiologist who has taken all the USMLE STEPS. submitted by /u/Kosmed [link] [comments] source

What do we think?

submitted by /u/olivewindy [link] [comments] source

Asbestos Exposure

In your experience what is the earliest amount of time a patient shows symptoms of Asbestos exposure and does evidence always show up on x-rays or scans? submitted by /u/skv-2423 [link] [comments] source

My messed up radial head

Fell with my arms stretched. Destroyed radial head and, as you can see, the elbow. Surgery was successful I guess. The head however, has a 3.5mm offset (you can see a pointy piece that should've been aligned with the shaft), as a result I have lost 99% of supination/pronation motion submitted by /u/commutingonaducati [link] [comments] source

Sinus CT

submitted by /u/Jealous_Influence_32 [link] [comments] source

I heared you guys love X-Rays, so heres mine one week ago, when I dislocated my elbow

submitted by /u/ketnipzz [link] [comments] source

8y post meningioma/most concerned about white spots

submitted by /u/LoveDisabledBodies [link] [comments] source

MRI of proximal iliotibial band syndrome in a runner

submitted by /u/radiologistHQ [link] [comments] source

truckers knee...

submitted by /u/aavellaa [link] [comments] source

What does it mean if the abdomen is white out like this on an X-ray? (FYI, I'm a student, so I'm studying this.)

submitted by /u/stepneo1 [link] [comments] source

Most true to life imaging

What imaging modality produces the most true to life image I recently saw this Instagram post and was curious as to what was used to generate these images I have attached the link. submitted by /u/mohammedmoolla [link] [comments] source

Thicc MCL with a very unhappy meniscus

submitted by /u/carrolv [link] [comments] source

Is it just me?

submitted by /u/bdunc956 [link] [comments] source

Pielonefritis Xantulomatosa + cálculo

60 year old woman with abdominal pain and weight loss submitted by /u/PiterLeon [link] [comments] sourceálculo/

Protect them at all costs

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Fluoroscopy radiation?

I'm wondering if a fluoroscopy to look at the veins in your pelvis/abdomen that lasts around 10 minutes and the dose area product is 25Gy cm2 is bad? Is that a lot of radiation? How much would it increase a person's lifetime cancer risk? I keep seeing values in msv, so not too sure? submitted by /u/Ok-Papaya-8068 [link] [comments] source

12 weeks right THA, 2 weeks post op THA 37yr old female AVN from covid I feel amazing like I have my life back omg unbelievable am so grateful 🥹

submitted by /u/Agile_Mountain_6927 [link] [comments] source

Just for fun, how many puppies do you see?

I have the number from the vet, don't worry. As a human tech it was interesting to count. Something we don't do in human medicine 😂 It is common practice in vet med to x-ray pregnant dogs between day 53-57 of their 63 day pregnancy to get a count. Helps the owner know how many to expect. submitted by /u/selantra [link] [comments] source

Look the wisdom teeth, how funny it is

submitted by /u/Decolonizator_X [link] [comments] source

I’m pretty sure there’s a fracture in the first rib

submitted by /u/Decolonizator_X [link] [comments] source

Congress in Sinaloa, Mexico.

submitted by /u/drenajelinfatico [link] [comments] source

Neck Pain

submitted by /u/Long_Mistake5243 [link] [comments] source

Scar tissue or something else?

submitted by /u/emjane1009 [link] [comments] source

Can any rads comment on this? Two ribs fused together?

submitted by /u/steurb [link] [comments] source

ARRT exam in few days...

Hi everyone!!! Please shoot any advice you can give me. Study materials like, which book/site is more helpful to which one kind of tips's for the final stressful...Thanks again!!! submitted by /u/Intelligent_Break140 [link] [comments] source

Ultrasound of soft tissue masses

submitted by /u/radiologistHQ [link] [comments] source

Natural light, it burns

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Could someone please give some context/explain these findings? TIA

BC MAMMO SCREENING BILATERAL WITH TOMO EXAM: MAMMOGRAPHY SCREENING BILATERAL WITH TOMO CLINICAL HISTORY: 41-year-old female patient whose maternal aunt reportedly had ovarian cancer at an unknown age. First live birth at age 35. Baseline mammogram. CLINICAL BREAST EXAMINATION: The patient reports that her last clinical breast exam was within the past year. TECHNIQUE: Bilateral 2-D and 3-D (combo) digital mammographic/tomosynthesis views were obtained. The 3-D post-processed and synthesized reconstruction images were reviewed. Images were reviewed with CAD. COMPARISON: This constitutes the patient's baseline examination. No prior studies are available for comparison.. FINDINGS: BILATERAL DIGITAL MAMMOGRAM WITH TOMOSYNTHESIS (10/20/2022): Scattered fibroglandular tissue elements of unremarkable appearance in the right breast are seen. In the left lateral supra-areolar anterior breast, an ill-defined area of asymmetric soft tissue nodular density is seen. In the left medial central b...

Sir, we've got some terrible news about your knee

submitted by /u/Radiografitti [link] [comments] source

Tibia plateau fracture-ATV accident 6mo since injury now.

submitted by /u/Crampedcoat [link] [comments] source

Weekly Career / General Questions Thread

This is the career / general questions thread for the week. Questions about radiology as a career (both as a medical specialty and radiologic technology), student questions, workplace guidance, and everyday inquiries are welcome here. This thread and this subreddit in general are not the place for medical advice. If you do not have results for your exam, your provider/physician is the best source for information regarding your exam. Posts of this sort that are posted outside of the weekly thread will continue to be removed. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Now that's what I call a meningioma

submitted by /u/this-name-unavailabl [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/LookAliv3 [link] [comments] source


Im going to be moving from Wisconsin to texas for a radiology program once they accept me and I’ll start in Jan. It’s a 16 month program. I wanted to know if it’s more common than usual for college students to relocate to another state if that states college offers a better alternative to finish the program faster rather than waiting in ur current state which will take longer.. just wanting to see how many others have left home for a better opportunity submitted by /u/Cinthya_f [link] [comments] source

New YouTube video out. Description and link in comment.

submitted by /u/s_magnetic_vlog [link] [comments] source

a valid question ,why does rule 1 exists ?, many ct or rmn which we re read wrong could be read by some other radiologists and support a case...

somebody please explain this to me , if a kid needs a ct or rmn to be interpreted and no radiologist are in the hospital why can t reddit help a case... submitted by /u/Vegetable-Bath8702 [link] [comments] source

Does my thumb look off?

submitted by /u/just_me910 [link] [comments] source

What is this in the left IJ?

I saw this when putting in a left IJ line- my wire and needle kept hanging up on something. This came out a little when I removed the wire and needle (looked like a little worm) but quickly retracted. submitted by /u/Adenosine01 [link] [comments] source

What is this?

I’m a technologist and have seen this before and have always been curious as to what it is. submitted by /u/caityooo [link] [comments] source

Lobectomy + Kartagener

submitted by /u/PiterLeon [link] [comments] source

61M, 6'1, 200lbs, White, USA. Non smoker/no drug use. Multiple nodules found on lungs CT scan 1.2 CM

submitted by /u/tnichole8 [link] [comments] source

Abnormal Lymph nodes? Possible causes

submitted by /u/Some_Rub_2802 [link] [comments] source

Student Drug tests

I am in a Rad Tech program and have to go to the VA for my clinical rotation. Does anybody know if they will be drug testing students? submitted by /u/Alarmed-Economist751 [link] [comments] source

What are these wires in this CXR?

submitted by /u/_bluecanoe [link] [comments] source

Magnets baby

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Crumb diagnostics

submitted by /u/MochaUnicorn369 [link] [comments] source

Work-up for bone islands?

So I’m a new FM attending and I’ve encountered these a few times as incidentalomas in reports. I realize these are “do not touch” lesions, but do these need any kind of follow-up at all? I have a 71F patient with a 5-7 mm sclerotic rib lesion on chest CT which was called a bone island. If I wanted to evaluate this further, what would be ideal modality and timeframe? submitted by /u/wanna_be_doc [link] [comments] source

Brain abscess following CVST and hemorrhage from TPA.

This is my husband’s head CT from 2020. He’s fully recovered. submitted by /u/TheoryKlutzy7836 [link] [comments] source

Are these cervical ribs?

submitted by /u/Alternative_Ad_7033 [link] [comments] source

Wages in Florida

I live in Illinois and will be moving to Florida in the near future. My question is about wages in Florida. Are they going up since cost of living is soaring in Florida? Florida has the highest inflation in the nation because of the huge influx. I want to thank the people who I messaged about this. I make about 50/hr in Illinois as an X ray tech. I have over 20 years experience but still New grads at my hospital and those in surrounding areas in the city are making 31/hr right out of school. Let that sink in. Wow, that’s great and it’s fair. I’m not sure why the difference in pay. Most people think the cost of living is higher in Illinois . It’s not. It’s a myth. I pay 2200 rent in downtown Chicago. It’s a real nice place. If I wanted to live farther away I can get 1600 a month. Gas is same price. Food is the same price. Housing is the same price and probably more in Florida recently. Why is the price we are payed so much different? It makes no sense. So I’m gonna move to Florida with...

Interview for the Rad tech program in College

I busted my butt to get all A's in my prerequisite courses for the radiology program and I applied for the the program. Got a email from the director to come on for an interview and write a short essay for the topic they will choose. this is part of the email The interview process will consist of: A short essay writing on a topic provided by the MRT Admission Committee Approximately 10 minutes interview conducted by members of the MRT Admission Committee The essays and interviews will be graded and scored, and the points scored will be added to the applicant’s original scoring worksheet. Following the interview process, all interviewed applicants will be ranked according to their total scores, and up to 30 applicants with the highest cumulative scores will be selected for program admission and e-mailed an admission offer letter within one week after the interview process . The unadmitted interviewed applicants will receive a non-admission (reject of admission) letter. ​ ...

I thought you guys might like it. Symbrachydactyly aka my lucky fin.

submitted by /u/amyhhhh [link] [comments] source