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Showing posts from August, 2022

Just let me go

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Torn Between Potential Careers.

I am torn between a few health care careers. I am currently in my second year of college and aiming to get a Bachelor's degree in communication science disorders. Unfortunately, only two schools in my state offer this degree as an undergrad and I need to be doing it all online only one school in my state offers online and it's UF, so hard to get into. Then, I started noticing how a lot of AS programs in the health field make around the same if not more than SLPs. I guess I'm looking more for something I'd enjoy doing and could finish in 2-3 years rather than 6 years (SLP). I thought about nursing but because of COVID, I decided this is not the right field. So I am torn between RT, SLP, sonography, radiation therapy, and nuclear medicine technology. Do you think I should just go for SLP or not? Why did you pick radiology and so you get treated better than nurses? What specialties are in this field? is this a growing field? is it easy to find work? how is the pay? I was...

Questions from a college student interested in radiology

Hi all, if anyone can answer any questions that would be great! Is there a possibility in getting a job as a radiologist with an associates in radiology? I would be interested into getting my mammography certificate after I get my associates. At my community college I met with an advisor and she said you could get a job with just the associates degree, but I’ve read that you would need to go to med school… which for me is uh not possible. I am in Michigan im not sure if that would change things TYIA submitted by /u/mochame98 [link] [comments] source

A Euphoric Feeling

submitted by /u/VanillaCrash [link] [comments] source

X-Ray Tips for New Rad Tech Students

I’m a new rad tech student. I’m three weeks into my program and five weeks away from starting clinicals. I feel like an idiot in lab and it’s hard for me to remember the steps to take even the most basic x-ray (let’s say a chest x-ray, for example). Setting the IR, tube, tabletop, bucky, positioning patient, re-adjusting tray or tube, etc. It’s just all complex and confusing to me. For the experienced, what helped you as a student to remember what to do? submitted by /u/tabbycatdaddy2017 [link] [comments] source

What are the X ray machines like at your sites?

In my classes we use digital imaging, but still have to do our own collimation, manually position the x ray tube, and think about what techical factors we are going to be using. At the clinical site though, the collimator opens at the size of the projection selected on the computer, and the computer does the technical factors. Thankfully positioning and detenting is still done by the radiographer, but apparently some hospitals have tubes that are completely automated and the technologist positions and does patient care, but does nothing with the x ray. As someone who is very hands on and wants to actually do what I am learning in school, this really worries me. What does everyone here think about these developments? submitted by /u/Alkaia1 [link] [comments] source

I reckon this is a syndesmophyte and not an osteophyte

submitted by /u/XETOVS [link] [comments] source

Varicocele on ultrasound

submitted by /u/radiologistHQ [link] [comments] source

Is it broken or fractured?

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Perfectly normal uterus but is apparently heart shaped (Me)

submitted by /u/SevIsGoth [link] [comments] source

Follow up from my tib/fib break. They didn't put any hardware in the fibula which surprised me.

submitted by /u/olephraim [link] [comments] source

Hoping to finally get a complimentary read for a reduction I did tonight in the ER.

submitted by /u/HugzMonster [link] [comments] source

4th + 5th metacarpal fractures. I did this to myself in July during MMA training

submitted by /u/thedeathtouch [link] [comments] source


How can you tell if ct is high res and is high res what needed to see fibrosis on lung? I had two different radiologists read scan one didn't mention bronchial wall thickening diffuse other did and is that fibrosis? submitted by /u/Dry_Initial_7415 [link] [comments] source

Another pneumothorax

submitted by /u/peev22 [link] [comments] source

Weekly Career / General Questions Thread

This is the career / general questions thread for the week. Questions about radiology as a career (both as a medical specialty and radiologic technology), student questions, workplace guidance, and everyday inquiries are welcome here. This thread and this subreddit in general are not the place for medical advice. If you do not have results for your exam, your provider/physician is the best source for information regarding your exam. Posts of this sort that are posted outside of the weekly thread will continue to be removed. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] source

Took this a while back

submitted by /u/Foxforce50 [link] [comments] source

Subdural empyema.

submitted by /u/peev22 [link] [comments] source

Presenting my first comp (CXR) in front a group of people

I will present one of my chest X-ray comps tomorrow for the first time in front of my clinical preceptor and other students since last week was my first week of clinical. I believe my CP will ask about lung pathology like pneumonia, pneumothorax, pleural effusion, hemothorax, etc… I am currently taking imaging eval and know that an optimal chest X-ray shows the lung apices to the costophrenic angles, 10 posterior ribs, heart shadow and equidistant ribs, etc...but I am not good at reading x-rays yet. What other questions should I prepare for? My CP said she might ask about the heart flow as well too so I’m studying that…This will be my first time presenting a comp and I’m extremely nervous since there will be a lot of people 😭😭 Any helpful tips? Thanks a bunch! submitted by /u/trancedv [link] [comments] source

ARRT exam coming up in 9 days.

I cannot pass any mocks. I’ve been studying for literally days on end. I feel sick to my stomach. What am I doing wrong?! I’m using predominately rad tech boot camp along with mosbys. I just got a 74.5% and that officially did me in. 😭 Has anyone else struggled with studying like this and/or didn’t do very well on mocks? How did you retain the info? How was your outcome? Help! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 submitted by /u/nmc9279 [link] [comments] source

Part time rad tech’s/ parents who are rad tech’s

I am seriously considering applying to the Rad Tech program at my local community college. My question is are there any parents or people who do this job part time and how do you like it? I have considered this as a career before but even more so now that I am a mom. It seems to be one of the only careers that you can do part time and make decent money. Nursing is a no go for me as it seems way to stressful, I don’t like that nursing is a very broad scope. I get burned out very easily so it’s important to me to have a career that is flexible and I’m not required to work 40 hours a week. I want to be able to have days at home with my son and to do errands and housework. If you work part time, what is your schedule like? If you have children, how is work life balance? Also what setting do you work in and do you enjoy it? I’m looking for a laid back setting preferably doing more routine imaging and may train for CT or MRI. As I stated before I get stressed and burned out very easily so n...

How do I as a recruiter find Mammo Techs

I’m a recruiter for a staffing agency and one of our main positions for my team are Mammo/Rad Techs. By far Mammo is the hardest position for us to fill and I’m not sure why, whether it’s the amount of people with the actual certifications or the pay is too low, or simply it’s just a hard position to fill. Is there any groups or resources I can use to find qualified candidates? I’ve using Facebook, Indeed, LinkedIn but have no real success submitted by /u/Upswing888 [link] [comments] source

ARRT Board exam question

I’ll be taking my boards in about 10 days and quite frankly, I’m freaking out. My question is: do the boards have a lot of questions regarding CR imaging? submitted by /u/nmc9279 [link] [comments] source

Wow look at that perfect lateral everyone

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Hydatid cyst in 4 yo with mild chronic cough.

submitted by /u/peev22 [link] [comments] source

that is a manual timer on our CT machines water cooling system. We have to turn it everytime we restart the machine to get the cooling pumps going.

submitted by /u/D-Laz [link] [comments] source

Dacrocystitis on CT

submitted by /u/radiologistHQ [link] [comments] source

My Brain MRA

submitted by /u/seginreborn [link] [comments] source

Off center ?

submitted by /u/Michelley262003 [link] [comments] source

All aboard

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

My severely deviated septum w/ bone spur before surgery; taken with Xoran MiniCAT CT scanner

submitted by /u/VanillaCreme96 [link] [comments] source

cAn AnYoNe PoInT OuT WhAt'S gOiNg oN?

submitted by /u/Any_Charity_7870 [link] [comments] source

Harley Quinn in Medicine

submitted by /u/Animoma [link] [comments] source

Dyspnea and fever, second image is after 3 days of antibiotics! Doesn’t it look like atelectasis?(juxtaphrenic peak sign and elevation of minor fissure)

submitted by /u/Budget-Tangelo465 [link] [comments] source

A Plaque in my Hospital

We have a plaque in my hospitals x-ray department for one of the pioneers. I always look at it and think about how young he died. I assume the dangers of x-rays weren't fully known at the time. submitted by /u/Rev_Will [link] [comments] source

Uncommon type of disc herniation

Several years ago I was shown a spine CT of a patient in his 30's who had gotten a wedge fracture of T 11 or 12 as a result of a skiing accident in his 20's. This guy had developed a rare kind of herniation of the disc above the fracture, and it was herniated down into the fractured vertebra. I know the doc showing me the film told me the name of this particular type of herniation but I can't remember what it was. I think it was named after someone. Any ideas? submitted by /u/genericusername4197 [link] [comments] source

Visualizing corona patient in VR

submitted by /u/nooon34 [link] [comments] source

Electrophysiology - Question

Hey, I'm a radiology technologist currently working temporary job on CT. Recently got offered full time job in Electrophysiology Lab. So I'm asking my fellow colleagues that work in EP, is it a hard change to switch from CT and conventional radiology to EP? Does it get dull after some time? Also, here, EP technologists are completely separated from all other radiology fields. Feel free to write your experience, every bit of information is welcome! Thank you! submitted by /u/R4zorCRO [link] [comments] source

what are these nodules on both sides of the neck?

submitted by /u/dizziguts [link] [comments] source

Pineal Region Germinoma at Diagnosis and Resolution.

submitted by /u/Deraxalen [link] [comments] source

I didn't even hear the phone...

submitted by /u/Chenaur [link] [comments] source

"Yeah can we get a repeat on this combative patient thanks"

submitted by /u/DoubleSlapDatAss [link] [comments] source

How do I describe the findings here?

submitted by /u/orpheun [link] [comments] source

yes I had problem with my eyes and I visited a neurologist and told he wanted me to get a mri with contrast which I get today and I ask the lady over the phone how long will it take and said 30 but I talked a doctor I visited online and she said 15 and im tryna figure out how long will it take

Question submitted by /u/Ok_Driver3719 [link] [comments] source

MRI with contrast for Acoustic Neuroma tumors

How often does an MRI with contrast reveal something significant such as cancer, an infection, or something else for patients with an acoustic neuroma tumor? 1 in 5 patients, 1 in 10 patients, 1 in 50 patients, 1 in 100 patients, etc. I don't want to risk contaminating my body with a heavy metal unless there is a high probability that there are other important health issues associated with it. What has been your experience and what did you find in the MRI scan? Thanks! submitted by /u/mkhuebner [link] [comments] source

2 prior records

I am in my second year of xray school but I have two prior records one for possession of marijuana when I was 18 and a dwi when I was 20 I am now 23 years old wanting to work in texas. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to get my arrt license and my texas license and if so how hard is it and what are the steps in going about? Thank you. submitted by /u/leg3nd07 [link] [comments] source

I thought you’d all appreciate this

submitted by /u/NerdyComfort-78 [link] [comments] source

Becoming a tech

I’m interested in maybe going into the field but I’m concerned about any math that is needed. From the way my program at the school I looked at works, it seems like there’s a lot of math involved and it’s not my strong suit. Did anyone experience having to do a lot of math during school and barely any at work or is it the same? I also can barely do basic math. It’s bad and I have avoidance with it. Thank you for any responses 🥰. submitted by /u/h4iryaries [link] [comments] source

59y/o female. Only currently available hx is back pain. What are the radiopaque objects anterior and lateral to the spine?

submitted by /u/Teslapod [link] [comments] source

Matching into Rads with average pre-clinical grades?

I really have an interest in radiology. My background is in physics and comp sci, my school runs on a F/P/HP/Honors grading system. I’ve been having trouble doing well in preclinicals. I’m not going to fail any of my classes but I’ll be sliding by with Passes. I’ve been spending a lot of my time coding and learning more in-depth about machine learning. I would like to combine my interest in coding with radiology somehow. But I’m worried my poor performance and being in the lower quartile of my class will make it hard to match in the speciality. Can I offset poor preclinical grades with good LOR and some research? My school is offering a MD/AI track I would like to pursue. It’s just been hard pulling myself away from coding and having to go study biochem and other preclinical classes. submitted by /u/Helloder321y [link] [comments] source

11 y/o with cough and fever, s/p Covid

submitted by /u/Teslapod [link] [comments] source

Knee Mri

if anyone can see something unusual let me know, hard to squat and straighten my right knee Click Here - Mri Images submitted by /u/goattalkk [link] [comments] source

Radiology license ?

I live right by the state lines of LA and MS. The radiology program for MS seems more appealing than the one in LA where I live. My question is, once I receive licensure for MS how would I go about working in radiology in LA? Does each state require a separate license? submitted by /u/Jaded_Ad6842 [link] [comments] source

Radiologists of Reddit: Has your work life changed recently?

I work for a teleradiology company in the UK. Recently we're seeing record numbers of studies to report, and fewer and fewer radiologists available to report them. People are dying because my company is not able to adequately perform its service, but the bosses refuse to even let our client hospitals know there will be delays. I went to my manager to ask why we couldn't at least consider giving sites the option to take back service (what with one of our core values ostensibly being patient care), and he said "There's no point, it's the same everywhere. There's just no rads available". Is this true? I know our radiologists aren't quitting, just picking up fewer shifts. It seems unlikely that radiologists everywhere just suddenly all want less work submitted by /u/NaraSumas [link] [comments] source

Pelvic Ultrasound - Query

submitted by /u/rua0020 [link] [comments] source

CT and Nikon d700

submitted by /u/VsevolodZviryk [link] [comments] source

update II (Two weeks later)

submitted by /u/moggihof [link] [comments] source

Can i have a doctor take a look at this dental xray. Does everything look normal or is there any cause for concern regarding tumors/cancer within the lower mandible. i have a hard lump in the soft spot of my chin, behind the mandible.

submitted by /u/Whereas_South [link] [comments] source

Bearded Dragon

submitted by /u/mspeziale [link] [comments] source

Could someone please tell me what the “L” stands for next to the mA value?

submitted by /u/Gribblet_1999 [link] [comments] source

Rads n’ Techs 💖

Ok, so we’ve all known nurses who have hooked up with, dated, or even married doctors they work with. I’m curious if any rads/techs who met at work have hooked up or started a relationship. submitted by /u/DisneyBabe620 [link] [comments] source

Can you spot the pathology?

submitted by /u/MaroK11 [link] [comments] source

Cervical mass with possible rectal invasion.

submitted by /u/JMAIK [link] [comments] source

Going to use an older edition of the Merill’s Atlas. Is it ok for school?

Hi everyone. I’m starting the Xray portion of my radiologic science program this semester (yaay) so I’m very excited. That being said, I was handed down the Merill’s Atlas 12th edition not too long ago from a friend, and my program’s required textbook said all students need to have the latest, aka 15th edition. Given the price of the 3 books, I think I’m going to just use the 12th edition I have and will try to bridge the gap if any between the two editions with other online resources. I will still buy the workbook and the pocket guide in the 15th edition tho, it’s just the 3 books themselves that are really out of my budget. Has anyone done your Xray school with a different edition of the Merill’s Atlas from your syllabus and how did it work out for you? Thank you submitted by /u/FluffyStuffInDaHouz [link] [comments] source

6 yo (m) no head trauma

submitted by /u/van_zoro [link] [comments] source

Happens way too often

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/thecraziedoggie12 [link] [comments] source

Unnecessary CT that is concerning me

Hi, my enquire is about the amount of mSv that I received during my scan of a pulmonary angiogram CT with contrast iodine. I was wondering about the total mSv that my body received and the amount that was absorbed by my breast and lungs. Does Total DLP equate to mSv that I received? I have BMI of 19 (52kg and 165cm height). Image says total exam DLP mGy - cm as 8.72 and CDTI vol mGy as 17.43. During the examination, I accidentally moved and put my left arm also into the machine which I am guessing will also increase the mSv that I received? I am a 23 year old female and the amount of radiation that I have received is really concerning me. submitted by /u/duckbeak01 [link] [comments] source

Th 4 comminuted fracture 26 (m) numb below the chest

submitted by /u/van_zoro [link] [comments] source

What’s the terminology for pointy part showing on my frontal lobe? Doctor couldn’t tell me, but brain is normal. Genuinely interested. Am I a unicorn?

submitted by /u/flittlebitlustered [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Radiologic technologist’s, where do you get your CE credits from?

I’m looking to start obtaining CE credits, as I don’t want to wait until the last minute, and mine are due August 2023. I just completed my first year as a radiologic technologist, and this CE credit thing is still kind of confusing to me. I know that we need 24 of them, but where do people usually get them from? And how are they reported to the ARRT so you can get credit for them? I had training through my hospital for a new scoliosis imaging system and was told I earned 2 CE credits from doing so. However, how do I let the ARRT know about those credits? Looking for reccommendations and suggestions for those who have already done this. submitted by /u/LaurenCz30 [link] [comments] source

Simply stepped out a door at work. How does all that hardware fit?

submitted by /u/National_Run_5454 [link] [comments] source

Frustrated With CT Students Rant

As a CT tech I’ve been frustrated with CT students the last few years. They mostly take classes online so when they come to clinicals it seems like we have to teach them everything about anatomy and pathology and scan protocols because they don’t have real teachers or clinical instructors. Then during clinical it’s like they don’t want to do anything except scan. I get that technically that’s what they are comping on but to learn to be a CT tech you also need to go get patients, go over history(allergy, creat, priors, reasons for exam/might need to adjust protocols) start IV’s, learn how to navigate charts for pertinent info, adjust contrast amounts and flows for differing reasons, and on and on and on. Then when we get new grad CT techs it’s like doing it all over again because they have no idea what they’re doing or why they’re doing it. We have to teach new CT techs how to actually be CT techs because all they cared to learn during training was how to start and stop the scanner. I’...

How vets put horses in CT machines

submitted by /u/speedtech73 [link] [comments] source

Radiologist exam assingment and the apparent contentions

I dont wanna stir the pot but this is always a hillarious exange: Rad: "Why did you assign me this, Im not on neuro." Tech: "Neuro is on vacation, youre next on the list" Rad: "Any rad can read this BTW" Tech: "WORD?" submitted by /u/Zestyclose_Poet_82 [link] [comments] source

Pre Contrast Checklists

I am a radiographer in the UK and looking at other hospitals on their questions they ask patients before giving contrast. I think our check list maybe outdated. I just wondered if anyone would be so kind as to list their Qs for me. 2 of our questions that I'm mainly querying are... "Do you have Myasthenia Gravis" "Do you take Interlukin 2 as part of your chemo therapy". I know another hospital that does not ask these as they apparently outdated. Thank you for any help anyone can give me. submitted by /u/Fit_Solution3309 [link] [comments] source

Weekly Career / General Questions Thread

This is the career / general questions thread for the week. Questions about radiology as a career (both as a medical specialty and radiologic technology), student questions, workplace guidance, and everyday inquiries are welcome here. This thread and this subreddit in general are not the place for medical advice. If you do not have results for your exam, your provider/physician is the best source for information regarding your exam. Posts of this sort that are posted outside of the weekly thread will continue to be removed. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] source

So how many of y'alls MDs are over the shortage and begun ordering as usual?

submitted by /u/D-Laz [link] [comments] source