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Showing posts from September, 2021

It happens

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

My pants!? πŸ‘–

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

Hanging Protocol/Flipping Images

I got called out for mismarking on a PA tunnel view of the knees today (spoiler, I wasn’t wrong). Here’s the story: I’m temporarily covering at an ortho clinic. I’ve always submitted my images anatomically correct (as I thought was universal protocol?), I was even trained in a major university orthopedic hospital, so it’s not my first time in this specialty. At that hospital, the tunnel views automatically flipped after shooting because of the algorithm, just like with a PA chest. So since I’ve been here, I place my marker in PA orientation, then flip the image so everything looks pretty and AP. Enter the ortho doc. He told me to fix a mismark on the tunnel (the patient heard this) I went back to review the image and it was correct. I went into the room to explain to him my process and asked if he’d like me to change my behavior. He just kinda brushed me off and in a stern tone/irritated look said, “well if you’re gonna do that, you have to tell us.” In my head I’m like “hello, the f...

Where to find contoured organ datasets?

I'm trying to write a script that auto contours organs-at-risk (OAR) for my clinic. I have plenty of datasets of non-annotated chest CT's, but I need already-contoured datasets that are done by a trained physician that I can compare to. Anyone know any good resources for this? submitted by /u/libgen101 [link] [comments] source

MSK Unknow Case #8

submitted by /u/sweetwero [link] [comments] source

Always in the way….. which is the point!

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Dissertation ideas

Hi guys hope you are well. I bet you get a lot of this post, but I am in the final year and I am not very brainy/creative with coming up with topics and was hoping you could help me. 8000 word dissertation and I would like to do a lit review and I am interested in CT and projectional radiography ​ so far my ideas are: ​ The role of a plain abdominal x-ray on acute abdominal symptoms, At what age/weight does using a grid with a higher dose become beneficial to optimise a pelvic radiograph, Use of radiopharmacuetcals in nuclear medicine and their dangers An audit on the impact on radiation dose when metal anatomical markers are placed over AEC chambers for pelvis or lumbar spine requests The role of CT and US in the detection of kidney stones ​ my biggest concern is not having enough literature to find. any advice and ideas would be great . ​ thank you submitted by /u/meelatalha [link] [comments] source

Every AED at the weekend

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Wondering if someone knows what’s the heart shape in my X-rays….

submitted by /u/anicelatina [link] [comments] source

Let’s play a game: Guess the Foreign Body.

submitted by /u/RockHardRocks [link] [comments] source

CT Basics: The Series - ASRT modules question

Can anybody who has purchased the modules through the ASRT be able to better explain the "end date" for me? The end date is less than 7 months from the time I bought the modules! ARRT gives you 24 months to complete everything. I did not plan on having to complete the educational part in 6.5 months. Will I be able to access the modules after the end date? submitted by /u/wilspup [link] [comments] source

Magical salty flakes

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

Oh you fell on it

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Switching ophthalmology to radiology

Hi! Did anybody here switch from ophtho to radiology residency? I'm planning on this switch (an uncommon one, I know) and am hoping to talk to someone who has gone through this experience. Thanks all. submitted by /u/caulfield117 [link] [comments] source

Good books to learn CT? Basic stuff and more advanced ones appreciated

Hi all! I work as a radiologic technologist in one of the major hospitals in my country and I'm not currently working on CT but I will be in the near future. Also there is a possibility to work part time for one of the many private clinics here. One colleague told me that a difference between a good and great technologist that a good one, e.g. for abdomen/pelvis, sets same time, same amount of contrast, same contrast flow, etc. and a great one just customizes everything, being that he knows what he's doing. Understanding things you're doing and being able to explain why you did them the way you did. So, I'll take any advice and all great literature/other things you guys can give me :)) submitted by /u/MrFunnyPantss [link] [comments] source

Still - must be hard to stay that motionless during a long scan

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Weekly Career / General Questions Thread

This is the career / general questions thread for the week. Questions about radiology as a career (both as a medical specialty and radiologic technology), student questions, workplace guidance, and everyday inquiries are welcome here. This thread and this subreddit in general are not the place for medical advice. If you do not have results for your exam, your provider/physician is the best source for information regarding your exam. Posts of this sort that are posted outside of the weekly thread will continue to be removed. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] source

My fictional character is a radiologist

I'm writing a novel with a character who's a radiologist. I know there are lots of subspecialties within radiology, so I'm hoping to get some idea of the range of specialities and what my character's life might be be, day to day. This is set in a big city in 1991, and he's well into his career. I know things have changed a lot in 30 years, but hopefully there are enough things that haven't. Anything you share will be helpful. Thanks! submitted by /u/ghiglica [link] [comments] source

Nurses be like “oh it’s fine to move them, they have to have surgery anyway”

submitted by /u/itsbeezybitch [link] [comments] source

Eggs-Rays anyone?

submitted by /u/the_Eggshibit [link] [comments] source

Pen thieves everywhere in Radiology πŸ‘€

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Radiologist: “pancreas not visualized”

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

When the patient steps on a stingray at the beach

submitted by /u/RunIt23 [link] [comments] source

X-ray from 102 years ago, on a glass plate

submitted by /u/jk1962 [link] [comments] source

Old image I found.

submitted by /u/Sompele [link] [comments] source

just radiological art

submitted by /u/VsevolodZviryk [link] [comments] source

ELI5 - multifoci of hypersignal intensity T2 lesions at subcortal region

I just recieved an MRI report from a brain scan. I absolutely don't understand what it means. I am being referred but don't know when or where too. Until then, can anyone ELI5 what the findings and impression actually mean in simple words that a non medical professional can understand? I don't know if I should be worried or not, so right now, I am worried. Lol. Finding multifoci of hypersignal intensity T2 lesions at subcortal region periventricular region compatible with non specific white matter disease Impression Non specific white matter disease submitted by /u/t080752 [link] [comments] source

Being a CT tech

I scan two heads in the morning, I scan two heads at night, I scan two heads in the afternoon, Makes the ER docs feel right. I scan two heads from ICU, And two down from the wards. I scan two heads before I scan two heads, And then I scan two more. submitted by /u/willyolio [link] [comments] source

I believe they reached Zen.

submitted by /u/GizmoCC23 [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/GenRgna [link] [comments] source

For reaaaaal

submitted by /u/jennnabeannn [link] [comments] source

I only brought one plate….

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

For reaaaaaaal

submitted by /u/jennnabeannn [link] [comments] source

IT people, what's a good RIS?

Hi! GE RIS is an absolute nightmare and it's clear the lack of investment in this product from their side. What is a good RIS solution you know? Preferably from a company that does not provide PACS also, since it is only the RIS that is giving us sad feelings. submitted by /u/Sad-Chemical5541 [link] [comments] source

Any surgery?

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

Complete left lung collapse with no pneumothorax.

submitted by /u/itsbeezybitch [link] [comments] source

Scapula 'Y' view question

I've noticed on some 'y' scapula views of the shoulder that the image is often 'angled'. Not sure of the correct terminology, but just curious as to why that is the case? Thanks. submitted by /u/ShroudFrontPage [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Easy Work Day

submitted by /u/radtech14 [link] [comments] source

Rad Tech Week ideas?

I was tasked to plan for Rad tech week this year. I’ve never done anything like this before so I was wondering if you guys had any fun ideas for things to do during Rad tech week? submitted by /u/CrossSectional [link] [comments] source

What is required by ACR for adverse reactions in an outpatient MRI setting?

What exactly is required for adverse drug reactions in an outpatient MRI setting? ACR doesn't have a specific check list of stuff to have on hand in those situations. I know Banyan sells a "STAT KIT" that has lots of meds needed for reactions and crashing patients, but it seems like most of that stuff is outside our scope of practice. They are also ridiculously expensive. Does anyone have any idea experience with this? submitted by /u/cleonm [link] [comments] source

Broken arm bones? Nah Greenstick Fracture

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

I’ll just swing over then

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Is it crazy to just get hired straight into CT out of x-ray school?

I am currently in a Radiography program and do not graduate for a few months and I got a job offer to train me into CT right after I graduate. Paid training around 8k more a year than I would make in x-ray. It isn't uncommon to get cross trained from an employer but I have heard of people in a seniority based waiting list to get trained. I am thinking it is a sign of the times, it seems currently hospital systems are in dire need of staff in all departments. Thoughts? Is in not that crazy? submitted by /u/LizardKing10 [link] [comments] source

Happy being a Rad Tech?

Hi! I've just started on the path to become a radiology tech, and I'm curious how those of you in the field feel about it. Do you enjoy your work? Are you doing what you thought you would be? Are you happy in your job and with your pay? I figure these are good questions to ask before I get into deep! Thanks so much! submitted by /u/becamico [link] [comments] source

What study materials to use for the sonography portion of the ARRT

Which books are good to use to study for the sonography portion of the ARRT? I know the ARRT is primarily for radiology, but there is a pathway for students who do not have a bachelors but have graduated from an ARRT accredited sonography program . We would just have to take an additional exam(ARRT) OR work 1 year to become ARDMS eligible... If you have an ARRT credential, you will be ARDMS eligible. I passed the SPI with a 627 just using Edelman and steven penny book. supplementing that with Ultrasound Registry r eview . com submitted by /u/schuygrey [link] [comments] source

I finally got an MRI because of my chronic back pain and progressively severe migraines. Lots of findings (see captions), but still lots of questions (36F, also early stage breast cancer)

submitted by /u/whereismystarship [link] [comments] source

Story of my life

submitted by /u/jennnabeannn [link] [comments] source

IR techs!!

Im getting burnt out in CT and I’m thinking on making the move from CT to IR Can you grow as a tech in IR? CT is pretty dead end What’s the earning potential of IR techs and what is being on call like? submitted by /u/LuckyCelebration1705 [link] [comments] source

rad snacks

submitted by /u/jennnabeannn [link] [comments] source

Weekly Career / General Questions Thread

This is the career / general questions thread for the week. Questions about radiology as a career (both as a medical specialty and radiologic technology), student questions, workplace guidance, and everyday inquiries are welcome here. This thread and this subreddit in general are not the place for medical advice. If you do not have results for your exam, your provider/physician is the best source for information regarding your exam. Posts of this sort that are posted outside of the weekly thread will continue to be removed. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] source

Just holla if you see it

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Let’s make this hilarious video go viral!!!

submitted by /u/Zone3Podcast [link] [comments] source

Radiology Interview Needed

Hi everyone! I am pursuing an Associate in Applied Science: Radiologic Technology, and for my Patient Care class, I am expected to interview a student or employee in the radiology health care field. I don't personally know anyone in this profession, so I figured that going online would be my best option! There are 13 questions and my teacher is requiring I put down the name and email of the person I interview. If you are not comfortable with sharing this information, no worries! Anyone who completes this form has my eternal gratitude. If you have any questions, or if the form isn't working, please DM me! Thank you for your time! Here is the form: submitted by /u/VanillaCrash [link] [comments] source

Wierd radiation exposure numgers

submitted by /u/JessDT [link] [comments] source

I need to interview a radiologic tech for a school project

Hello whoever is reading this post, I am taking a Professions of Caring class this semester and I have an assignment where I need to interview an individual that is a Radiologic Technologist/Technician or a Cardiovascular Technologist/Technician (these are the two careers I picked to research for my project this semester). Ideally I would want to pursue a career in Diagnostic Sonography, but the program at my school is quite competitive so I wanted to research other careers as a fall-back plan. I have a set of 12 questions (some have follow-ups) that I need to ask for the interview assignment. If you are interested in being interviewed, please reply back to me as soon as you can! We can even conduct the interview through a chat/messaging platform if that is easier for you. Thanks so much! submitted by /u/OtherwiseCat8206 [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/jennnabeannn [link] [comments] source

It’s a thing of beauty

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Radiology, where it gets done in the dark

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

New teaching video. Link in comment

submitted by /u/s_magnetic_vlog [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/4883Y_ [link] [comments] source

Hey, sorry to interrupt. Does this brain scan look normal to you?

submitted by /u/SnooSongs1459 [link] [comments] source

Why do hospital financial advisors want you to pay BEFORE treatment?

I'm scheduling myself a direct shoulder arthrogram and MRI at a hospital. I opted for the more expensive hospital because I felt more comfortable with their doctor than an MRI clinic. I have shitty high deductible insurance, so I'm essentially paying this alone. I call the financial advisor, who initially quoted a price of $964 which I knew was very low. I had to fight for a week to get them to double check, then she calls back and said "Oh LOL it's actually $3559.26". First red flag - incompetence. Regardless, I was shocked at how high this was for a one joint MRI with contrast. She then offers me a 20% discount - of course I accepted. Then I realize from her talking that the discount only applies if I pay TODAY, NOW (one week before my procedure). She'd 'grace' me with a 20% discount to $2847.41. First, why do financial advisors push this? Is this normal? What benefit could it possibly give them for me to pay one week prior to my procedure as oppo...

MRI-safe task light on a budget?

Hi! Rad nurse here. I was recently called to the MRI suite for an injection and the ambient lighting in the room is more "romantic dinner for two" than "venous access on a husky, freckled, dehydrated patient". It did not go well and we had to go noncontrast. Do I have any options for purchasing a task light that is safe for the room and doesn't cost $3k? I can jerry rig something from an MRI safe flashlight if I have to. Our techs are safety-focused as they should be, and I'd have to be able to thoroughly explain my reasoning for allowing any new device in the room. submitted by /u/Lavender-1752 [link] [comments] source

Cephalization/redistribution spotting problem

Hey guys, I have a mild problem with spotting vascular redistribution to upper lobes in heart failure. I started working at radiology at cardiology institute and since we have a lot of patients with heart failure, I have a hard time deciding if there is vascular redistribution or not. I've had many patients, in whom two different older radiologists said two different things, one said there is a redistribution to upper lobes, one did not. Do you have any trick how to do it invariably and objectively? Thanks a lot! submitted by /u/MaroK11 [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/jennnabeannn [link] [comments] source

Ultrasound life

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

Why aren't we getting personalized license plates!

I will want to find a way of petition the body that can make it happen to be able to have personalized plates for R.Ts! Which body we will have to contact and if we found out we will need to sign a petition for us to have it !Radiology freaking rules !Maybe this has been posted before ! Sorry if this post has been posted again ! submitted by /u/Themoastoriginalname [link] [comments] source

New student…. This was in a practice assignment. I’m having trouble visualizing anatomy this way. Is A the stomach and C the pancreas? I have no idea what B would be..

submitted by /u/armageddon-it [link] [comments] source

the amount of patients I’ve seen for thisπŸ˜‚

submitted by /u/jennnabeannn [link] [comments] source

Way too accurateπŸ’€

submitted by /u/jennnabeannn [link] [comments] source


Dears, I am writing to ask for professional help. I have testicular pain for a long time(almost 5 monthes). I did MRI of pelvis and they did not find anything wrong. But my testicle is not normal positioned. I have think that looks like partial testicular toirson. As well could be problem with sacral plexus or it radiated from testicle. Who could check it? I will share with you it per gdrive Thank you! I am really hopeless with radiologists in my country submitted by /u/Willing-Studio2997 [link] [comments] source

Can someone explain to me what my report means? Thank you

ill-defined hypoechoic area in the superficial subcutaneous fat measuring 3 x 3x3 mm. May be an area of inflammation. No discrete mass is identified. The underlying fibroglandular tissue is unremarkable. "IMPRESSION" IMPRESSION: BI-RADS Category 2-Benign Findings submitted by /u/Helpful_Draw_248 [link] [comments] source

Dear ER docs,

I love you most of the time, but sometimes you will have to settle down and accept the 2 views (90 degrees apart) that I give you, even if they’re not the textbook views you want. First of all, I work under my radiologists, not you. Secondly, when your patient has two 4 x 4 pads draped over an elbow wound, and one of them falls off, taking with it fragments of ulna, maybe some radius as well, do not come to me and complain that the views weren’t perfect. Instead, offer to manipulate the open fracture however you’d like, and I’ll shoot the X-ray. submitted by /u/florlunayamor [link] [comments] source


Does anyone in USA want to become a brand ambassador for my company? We specialise in online training for breast cancer radiologists and we are looking for an online personality who can be the face of our company. Reply to this if interested. submitted by /u/annaroseb1111 [link] [comments] source

Overly aggressive yet motivational clinical instructor if you guys are in TikTok follow me I’m @henrystax

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

Peak teamwork

submitted by /u/simple-egg [link] [comments] source

What is in the circle? Wondering if it’s part of the COW or something else?

submitted by /u/Odd-Fix9342 [link] [comments] source

Can someone explain this fluoroscopy? Seems to indicate successful thrombectomy

I'm trying to understand what is going on in these images. I think it is before and after of a patient who had a thrombectomy but I'm having trouble visualizing exactly what structure the thrombus is in... Before thrombectomy (I think) ​ After Thrombectomy submitted by /u/shemer77 [link] [comments] source

Is it broken??

submitted by /u/SnooCakes159 [link] [comments] source