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Showing posts from July, 2021

What are the white lines running up the illium?

submitted by /u/buildingagain [link] [comments] source

CT reconstruction + photofiltre

submitted by /u/VsevolodZviryk [link] [comments] source

A whole bunch!

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Why does my Dr say this isn't here? This is lumbar, my Dr tells his Radiologists to look for Cervicalgia. This image was from another Drs second opinion. Are some Radiologists pressured by Drs to not look for certain things? Could anyone of you experienced Radiologists or Rad Techs please explain?

submitted by /u/ReignsonUs [link] [comments] source

Hate overnight shifts

Not sure if this is more of a vent or seeking advice, but I can't take my overnight shifts anymore. I'm relatively new still, and have been doing every other weekend overnights since I graduated about 6 months ago, and I feel like I can't do them anymore. I spend my week leading up to my overnight weekend a nervous wreck, and the week after trying to catch up on sleep and relax. I love my job and the people I work with but my hatred for overnights is starting to catch up to how much I like my job. I don't want to be that employee who complains about shifts to management and I don't want to be a burden to my team, but I don't really know what to do. Any advice would be appreciated. submitted by /u/LukeyLookUp [link] [comments] source

MRI , assistance interpreting

Hello, Had a recent MRI with contrast. The summary of the MRI stated: all normal. With a radiologist note of all clear, all normal etc. But at the bottom. It said: "Mild CSF prominence of the optic nerve sheaths appears chronic." I tried googling this for hours to figure out what is meant. I dont get to see a neuro for another few weeks. Anyone have an idea or care to share? Thanks submitted by /u/GroX256 [link] [comments] source

Why does first xray appear to have missing vertebrae but not the second?

submitted by /u/magnets0make0light0 [link] [comments] source

Does anyone know where I can find the lead bbs and plastic case for x-ray markers?

submitted by /u/AdInteresting4918 [link] [comments] source

Hang in there little one !

submitted by /u/Rizpasbas [link] [comments] source

Knee MRI After ACL Reconstruction Surgery - this time with MR images haha

submitted by /u/ogcdark [link] [comments] source

Explaining to my colleague why I enjoy calling the Dr’s to tell them there shitty orders have been refused by the radiologist

submitted by /u/ZBS93 [link] [comments] source

Wait a minute..

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Recently got an MRI as part of a medical study analyzing the effects of a commonly abused substance; can anyone tell which substance it was by the images? (note: I'm not a chronic abuser of this substance. I took it then they took the MRI). Also does anyone see anything interesting or concerning?

submitted by /u/fitz5429 [link] [comments] source

If you haven’t had a chance yet, check out this week’s episode with Tobias Gilk. Happy MRI safety week!😀

submitted by /u/Zone3Podcast [link] [comments] source

Always forgotten!

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Have any ideas about the inferior vena cava?

submitted by /u/VsevolodZviryk [link] [comments] source

Happy MRI safety week!

submitted by /u/Zone3Podcast [link] [comments] source

Radiologists in Biotech

Just curious if anyone knows of someone or knows of the opportunities for radiologists to get involved in this sphere of medicine. Definitely a strong interest of mine, as is this field, and would like to hear what opportunities exist out there submitted by /u/BillyBob_Bob [link] [comments] source

Is this a bad x-ray of my nose? I smashed it and went to pay to get it scanned, but it looks like they scanned everything but what was actually important.

submitted by /u/Morphecto_Solrac [link] [comments] source

It all works out

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Interventional Radiology as a DO

Hi guys, Need some advice — I’m a rising M3 who’s extremely interested in IR and have shadowed them extensively throughout gap year/med school and I’ve only fallen more in love with it. But I wanted to know if I’m just setting myself up for disappointment… STATS- STEP 1: 245 Comlex 1: 652 (92%) 3 publications, in multiple leadership positions. SSP (DO honor society). Let me know your thoughts! 😬 submitted by /u/Dependent_Point7305 [link] [comments] source

Difference between Radiology Technician and Radiology Technologist?

Greetings. I have been interested in studying to become a radiology technician.What is the difference between a technologist and a technician?Do technicians perform imaging methods such as MRI, CT, x ray etc.?Are these 2 terms interchangeably used,or do they represent something more specific? submitted by /u/themerciful03 [link] [comments] source

Vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia

submitted by /u/VsevolodZviryk [link] [comments] source

Radiopaque medication images

Hello, all. I am hoping to do a project/educational exhibit on ingestible medications that may appear radiopaque or dense on gastrointestinal imaging, and I was hoping to find some good quality images to use as representation. I am looking for both radiographs and CT scans. Can anyone point me in the right direction to find good quality images? submitted by /u/CalvariaTorpidus [link] [comments] source

OP's brain MRI looks like the Grinch.

submitted by /u/andownsl [link] [comments] source

Spect CT/Nuclear Imaging- Ankles I've had bilateral chronic ankle problems since spraining them 10 years ago. In my early 20's, the orthopedist said I shouldn't be in constant pain (even at rest) and the MRI's that I've done previously didn't explain daily pain. So I had nuclear imaging/Spect CT done last week and I follow up with him next week. I don't need a Reddit community to diagnose me, but I did want to hear your thoughts- are these black spots on my ankles in the slides just clumps of dye, or are they indicative of something more? submitted by /u/NefariousnessCheap98 [link] [comments] source

Weekly Career / General Questions Thread

This is the career / general questions thread for the week. Questions about radiology as a career (both as a medical specialty and radiologic technology), student questions, workplace guidance, and everyday inquiries are welcome here. This thread and this subreddit in general are not the place for medical advice. If you do not have results for your exam, your provider/physician is the best source for information regarding your exam. Posts of this sort that are posted outside of the weekly thread will continue to be removed. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] source

Come quick!

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

International radiography tech here

Hello, I am a radiology tech from pakistan, I have recently graduated and moved to usa and now i don't know what to do with my degree.. Any international techs out here to help my poor soul.. submitted by /u/Aishzensara [link] [comments] source

Does anyone think this chest X-ray looks irregular? The white spot in the center is a reflection from the screen.

submitted by /u/swboos21 [link] [comments] source

c-arm oblique question

Ok, for some reason I'm having a hard time centering images with the c-arm. The scenario: spine injections, c-arm is coming from the patients right side when they are prone. when I oblique one way or the other would lowering/raising the c-arm be the same as pulling/pushing the c-arm in/out? so if I oblique towards me (the right) would I need to lower/pull out the c-arm? or am I backwards lol I can't get this straight! submitted by /u/commentator-tot [link] [comments] source

Cheapest and easiest way to become a radiologist in the U.S?(29/F foreign student)

Hi, I’m new to this country and my dream is to become a radiologist. I recently attended a candidacy program in LaGuardia Community College but I was not accepted to the program, which crushed my hopes and dreams. I wanted to know, from your experiences, what is the easiest fastest and most cost efficient way of becoming a radiologist? Is private school a better option? submitted by /u/PiMPoFNyC [link] [comments] source

Can someone ELI5? Familiar with the basic anatomy but not fully sure what this means.

submitted by /u/thatpobeonthetable [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Samsung GM85 Exposure Handswitch 3D print?

Hey guys, Someone has clearly got a death grip when it comes to the exposure switch on our GM85, and its looking decidedly "NHS" with the sleek covering it. Anyone know if there are 3d blueprints for the handswitch itself? Last time we bought one, the circuit board was fine, just the casing itself was cracked. Seems to me to be an easy fix, but I have no knowledge of 3d printing! submitted by /u/Terminutter [link] [comments] source

Anyone interested in a complete set of Kettering flash cards? Formulas, Images, and Terms/Definitions all covered

Hi everyone, I passed my registry exam about a month ago and thankfully no longer need these flash cards! I bought them from Kettering since our program did a seminar through them and we got a discount from their store because of that. For all 3 sets (images/terms and definitions/formulas) it was 90 dollars with the discount. I’m looking for 50 dollars for all of them. They’re in near perfect condition and I can provide more pictures if needed Please PM me with any offers or questions thank you! submitted by /u/suggesredusername [link] [comments] source

Poor little guy (5yo) had a good fall

submitted by /u/Zurgzurg [link] [comments] source

What is that artefact? I dont meant the hip replacement..... Never come across anything like that before..

submitted by /u/bagno260 [link] [comments] source

How do you make these plastic housing cases for xray markers? What are they called?

submitted by /u/AdInteresting4918 [link] [comments] source

Just saw the movie "Radioactive" on amazon prime video... god i loved the movie! Just started my xray tech journey a couple of months ago and this movie has motivated me more than before...not to mention i want to become a radiation therapist in the future! I cried when marie finally discovered that her invention had good intentions in the end :) submitted by /u/Valuable-Menu9471 [link] [comments] source

MRI after ACL Repair, part 1 - graft signal intensity

submitted by /u/ogcdark [link] [comments] source

Closed fracture of 5th toe

submitted by /u/beck-y [link] [comments] source

How often do you get drug tested at your job?

I’m currently studying to become a sonographer. I also smoke weed in my free time. I stopped smoking before I entered the program and for the drug test. My question is: How often have you encountered random drug testing during clinicals and/or during your job at random times? I know you need an initial drug test before getting a job or getting into a program, but is random drug testing common? I do live in a state where it’s legal but that doesn’t matter. submitted by /u/seamlessname [link] [comments] source

Because Gravity! (Thought this was pretty)

submitted by /u/stableofmind [link] [comments] source

AIRP late submissions

Radiology resident here. I think I fucked up. I'm supposed to start AIRP virtually in a couple days and realized that basically none of the paperwork is in (thought my program coordinator had submitted it) and also just realized that I never submitted a case. No good excuse, just didn't realize that we needed to do that until reading about the rotation today. Has anyone here fucked up with AIRP like this before? Is there any flexibility on their end? I found a case today that meets all the requirements and can probably beg a friendly pathologist to help expedite the paper work but still sure it won't be done in time. submitted by /u/AIRPsuperlate [link] [comments] source

Pancreas Scanning Technique

submitted by /u/Rough_Artichoke7399 [link] [comments] source

Can someone tell me what’s going on with this tibia? I am a student and came across it and just not sure what it is.

submitted by /u/mundanedrummer-ok [link] [comments] source

I’m sure it was

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

X-ray marker making

I've seen x-ray markers encased or framed in plastic and I can not figure out how its done. I would like to make me a pair. Any ideas? submitted by /u/AdInteresting4918 [link] [comments] source

Rad tech student here. Having some issues with my clinical instructor.

Im a rad tech student and I’m currently in clinical II. My clinical instructor and I seem to clash a bit. She is just not very encouraging and doesn’t give me a sense of confidence. I know that this is my responsibility but she’s just not the most positive with me. In a nutshell, I really hate being around her. It’s a terrible, uncomfortable feeling. Because of this, I have a serious problem when I’m doing an exam on a patient with her. I get so completely nervous, anxious, overwhelmed and flustered that I completely just forget everything. Like, all my knowledge just goes out the window and I come off as completely inept and downright stupid. I know she’s lost all patience with me. However, when I’m with other techs, I feel great, I love the challenge, I love to get in there and try to complete everything with grace and knowledge. I truly enjoy it. My issue is that my clinical instructor clearly only sees me in this terrible state of panic and anxiety so I’m afraid she thinks I’m...

Understanding Aortic Measurement's

I had a echo done was told aortic root is 4.4cm I was told to get a CT with contrast and have the sinus of valsalva checked. My report said this The ascending aorta has a transverse dimension of 3.7 cm at the level of the main pulmonary artery which is within normal limits. At the sinotubular groove just above the coronary sinuses as measured in the sagittal plane the aorta is 3.8 cm in diameter. What does this mean? Do I need to request more measurements? submitted by /u/KingofStank [link] [comments] source

Aspiring tech here. Should I become an MRI or Xray tech?

I have read that MRI pays more, which is definitely nice. But I am also interested in whichever has more career advancement opportunities. How different is the schooling between the two? It seems like an ARRT accredited education is recommended, if not necessary. But how much would a Bachelors degree benefit me over an Associates as far as getting a job? Would a 2 year degree be enough? Any information on these things and beyond is appreciated!!! submitted by /u/xTrainerRedx [link] [comments] source

Is low-dose CT effective at catching other forms of lung disease other than cancer?

Hi everyone, quick question here. I've lately been reading up a lot about annual lung cancer screenings using low-dose CT and as a result more and more people in the risk categories doing yearly check-ups due to doctor recommendations and lower radiation levels, so I was just wondering if anyone could tell me whether this was also an effective way to detect other forms of lung diseases (COPD, pulmonary fibrosis/intestitional lung disease in general, etc.), or can those diseases be easily missed and mainly only seen on high-resolution CT's (HRCT)? Thank you in advance! submitted by /u/ivrdolj [link] [comments] source

I AM NOT ASKING FOR MEDICAL OPINIONS but what liquid am I laying on in this image? 😂 I’m so confused by this puddle of something under me NOT in the mri I hope this is okay to post I thought it was funny.

submitted by /u/AreYouuHappyNow [link] [comments] source

32f with Osteogenesis Imperfecta type III, closed spiraling comminuted fracture w/ 5mm displacement (no surgery), 6 weeks post-fracture. (This makes fracture event #49)

submitted by /u/IodinUraniumNobelium [link] [comments] source

New x-ray tech, starting first full time job tomorrow and just found out I’m pregnant

Hi everyone, I just graduated in May and am very excited to finally have a real full time job. I got hired (at an outpatient center) just 2 1/2 weeks ago, and during that time I found out I was pregnant. I went to the doctor today and I’m around 8 weeks. I’m incredibly nervous to tell my manager about it as I’m literally just starting. Just wanted to maybe get some words from those who have been working as techs. Should I tell her tomorrow right away on my first day or should I wait until maybe next week? I feel like I should probably say something tomorrow, but like I said I’m just incredibly nervous. I don’t know if it matters but I have had 2 miscarriages before so that’s another thing I’m worried about. It’s funny, they have another tech who got pregnant last year right when she started and she’ll be coming back from maternity leave early August. So, it’s kind of like a repeat for them. Anyways, thank you if you have any words of wisdom for me. submitted by /u/valpallama [...

What we like to see

submitted by /u/Butlerlog [link] [comments] source

Horse shoe kidney

submitted by /u/VsevolodZviryk [link] [comments] source

Working abroad in Asia

I am a registered radiographer in USA. I have always wanted to live and work abroad in asia, is this a possibility? Has anyone done any international work like this. Or am I just down for the count. submitted by /u/Zyrf [link] [comments] source

Some tips come residency application season

Just want to get this out of the way. I appreciate any advice. I had a drop in STEPS; 242 STEP 1 to 240 STEP 2, no excuses but was just in a bad spot at the time of step 2. Title says it all, I will be applying (most likely) DR. I was hoping to go to a program with good training with ample fellowship opportunities out west (go to med school not from the west). i.e. academic or strong community. The rest of my app is pretty good. 4/7 clinical honors, couple honors in preclinical, decent amount of research (ill be able to list 5-7 things on my app, working on maybe getting some more stuff in my rotations coming up), and good (I think?) letters. I interview very well. Any idea or anecdotal evidence how this will affect me? Disappointed but ready to move forward. submitted by /u/BillyBob_Bob [link] [comments] source

New video just released. Link in comments.

submitted by /u/s_magnetic_vlog [link] [comments] source

Typical meeting

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Welcome to radiology after hours

submitted by /u/Myhumeruslife [link] [comments] source

Participants needed for a PET/fMRI study in Melbourne, Australia. A great opportunity if you've ever wanted to see neuroscience in action or have your brain scanned!

submitted by /u/Big-Sprinkles-2599 [link] [comments] source

Improved Mild Closed Head Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes With a Brain-Computer Interface Amplified Cognitive Remediation Training

submitted by /u/CureusJournal [link] [comments] source

Attend RSNA for an educational exhibit?

I got an educational exhibit accepted as a first author for RSNA this year (I’m an incoming MS1). Unfortunately, my scientific abstracts were rejected today, so im kinda on the fence as to whether I should take time off to go to Chicago and present the exhibit. Does anyone have any recommendations as to whether it’s worth attending since I just have one presentation (and afaik it isn’t an oral presentation)? submitted by /u/johnathanjones1998 [link] [comments] source

Is abdominal distention and Pneumatosis Intestinalis the same thing?

If not, what is the difference? ​ I am currently an xray tech student, and we have to analyze a radiograph. The one I'm looking at is a pediatric xray and the radiologist notes say "Abdomen: mild gaseous distention of bowel without evidence of obstruction or pneumatosis intestinalis." ​ I feel like distention is the same as the PI but I'm just unsure. ​ Thank you submitted by /u/nmc9279 [link] [comments] source

Behold the dose

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Weekly Career / General Questions Thread

This is the career / general questions thread for the week. Questions about radiology as a career (both as a medical specialty and radiologic technology), student questions, workplace guidance, and everyday inquiries are welcome here. This thread and this subreddit in general are not the place for medical advice. If you do not have results for your exam, your provider/physician is the best source for information regarding your exam. Posts of this sort that are posted outside of the weekly thread will continue to be removed. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] source

First year radiology residents dictating their first report

submitted by /u/JB-Resonance [link] [comments] source

The donut of truth

submitted by /u/jamey2 [link] [comments] source


The time is now to have your voice heard about #stopMARCA. Why attend medical school and do a residency in radiology when an RT, NP, or PA can do your job? Protect patients from radiology physician extenders @RadiologyACR on ENGAGE. @ExitACR submitted by /u/BadgerLiberal [link] [comments] source

D-dimers, PE studies, and covid

I understand that it’s very common for a patient who tests positive for covid to have a high d-dimer value. The facility I’m currently working in orders CT PE studies on all of these patients. (I have yet to see a positive scan, but that’s besides the point.) My question is, is it reasonable to suspect a PE in a covid positive patient just because their d-dimer is elevated? Or am I correct in thinking that the elevated d-dimer stems from the covid infection but does not indicate an increased risk for PE? submitted by /u/florlunayamor [link] [comments] source

Is low-dose CT effective at catching other forms of lung disease other than cancer?

Hi everyone, quick question here. I've lately been reading up a lot about annual lung cancer screenings using low-dose CT and as a result more and more people in the risk categories doing yearly check-ups due to doctor recommendations and lower radiation levels, so if I was just wondering if anyone could tell me whether this was also an effective way to detect other forms of lung diseases (COPD, pulmonary fibrosis/intestitional lung disease in general, etc.), or can those diseases be easily missed and mainly only seen on high-resolution CT's (HRCT)? Thank you in advance! submitted by /u/ivrdolj [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/VsevolodZviryk [link] [comments] source

Issue with swallow can you see anything that might cause my issue

submitted by /u/Crafty-Platypus1079 [link] [comments] source

CAMRT prep

Im scheduled to write the CAMRT examination for Radiologic Technology in September. Been having some problems with time management as I am currently working and doing volunteering at vaccination sites in my free time. I have begun with the " CT for technologist" textbook because I have heard that the CT questions are the hardest, I like to cover the harder material first but I'm worried I may run out of time to cover everything. Any advice, guidance, topic s, recommended websites, textbooks or just an account of your personal experience will be greatly appreciated. Thanks much. submitted by /u/shawty_d_empress [link] [comments] source


submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

plz plz can someone hlp me find what book this questions where taken from?? i found them in quizlet but i need the book name and i cant find the resource anymore

"what examination is used for early diagnosis of testicular torsion (a) urography (b)mri (c)ct (d)echography with ecocolor-doppler (e)rx" what cells are more sensitive to radiation a) muscular cells b)astrocytes c)lymphocytes d)neurones e) hepatocytes submitted by /u/ariamojaria [link] [comments] source

The aorta moves in transverse direction below the aortic hiatus of diaphragm. Is this normal? I have no clinical information of this elderly patient.

submitted by /u/dranalphabetic [link] [comments] source

iPad or Chromebook for Radiology Technology program?

I've used my Chromebook for the past two years in college, and I like it. I actually find it to be convenient. Recently, though, I've been thinking about getting an iPad. I just feel like an iPad would be better because it's lighter and easy to carry. As for note-taking, I prefer to handwrite them, but I do hear that notability in an iPad is good for note-taking. I currently use Squid (an app similar to notability on Chromebook), but I mostly hand write them. Would you rather use a Chromebook or an iPad? submitted by /u/Cute_Sherbet_8791 [link] [comments] source

Is the dark area that looks like a golf club the uterus? Known posterior subserosal fibroid of 5cm. Is that what is above/behind the “golf club”?

submitted by /u/lifeofpatti [link] [comments] source

Does this look like lung cancer? 39 year old male, non smoker, no known cancer (CT report)

submitted by /u/DJAM3Z [link] [comments] source