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Showing posts from October, 2021

Has anyone went to kaiser's school of allied health rad tech program? How was the education and did you get a job with Kaiser coming out?

I am applying to the school and was wondering if it is easy to get a job with Kaiser after contingent you do well. submitted by /u/tatsuyanakamurata [link] [comments] source

Risk from swallowed nose ring and MRI

Hello, happy to delete this if posts like this aren't allowed I have an MRI tomorrow and Ive been freaking out a bit because 2.5 months ago I may have swallowed a nose ring (it was while hooking up with someone, they thought they had swallowed it or lost it but there's a chance I could have swallowed it). Is it safe for me to get an MRI? Should I request an x-ray beforehand to minimize risk? I really don't want metal shooting out of my body lol submitted by /u/Party-Biscotti-6319 [link] [comments] source

PACS ADMIN or any Informatics in radiology

I am a fairly new rad tech, and i am not feeling this career. I am a very technology loving person and i want to get into Information technology involving the radiology servers such as PACS. I am not sure how i can do this. I understand technology and I never have any problems learning new things in this area. Could anyone direct me into the path in getting to the career of an information analyst or PACS admin or something adjacent to these careers. submitted by /u/Zyrf [link] [comments] source

Any community IR docs out there that can talk with a lowly M4?

Hey everyone. I am a fourth year applying radiology and was interested if any IR docs can talk about what it is like practicing in the community and job satisfaction, diversity of cases, and just generally how they like their jobs. I was torn between rads and anesthesia, have applied rads, and am now concerned that I may have not made the right choice. I am a people person that likes to interact with patients and do procedures but loved the cerebral aspect of radiology. I thought IR could be a chance for me to get more interaction but now I'm not too sure, I have heard some negative things and it got me scared. submitted by /u/BillyBob_Bob [link] [comments] source

Dose for pediatric head ct?

My almost 1 year old fell down 11 stairs 4 days ago (I left the basement door open and I’m not sure I’ll ever stop feeling guilty). He was acting normally after crying for 10 minutes but had swelling under his eye which has now bruised. They still did ct scan to make sure there was no impact (?) to the brain. I’m now worried about the radiation. When I called the hospital to ask for the dose they said it was “256 milligrade” and wouldn’t give me the exact unit. Does that mean 256 milli-msv? Would that be 3 times one regular x-ray? submitted by /u/Riliv [link] [comments] source

Day 1 MRI Clinicals with Ghostface

submitted by /u/TheRealMRIMAN [link] [comments] source

Old C arm for Medical Mission work

Hello all, I acquired an inexpensive Comed 950 for medical missionary work in Guatemala. Does anyone have experience with this machine that can help with the settings and image quality? Thanks! JF submitted by /u/Putrid_Training3537 [link] [comments] source

When the hospital CEO visits

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

mSv in 1 Minute of Flouro?

I’ve unfortunately had some bad medical luck this year, which has required me to get some diagnostic imaging done. This has triggered me to start keeping up with how much radiation I’ve been exposed to, because I’ve had quite a bit in the past as a patient. But also because I work as a RN in the OR. Although I always wear lead I’m exposed to quite a bit there as well. I’m trying to figure out a rough estimate for the mSv dose per minute of flouro time. Is there any general rates for this? And sources? I’ve tried doing some research but the answers vary wildly. Thanks! submitted by /u/Throw_Reverse [link] [comments] source

Lateral knee/pattela axial technique

Hi noobie here, I'm looking for tips and advice how to perform consistent at lateral knee x-ray (in standing position). I also would appreciate some information about technique you use to perform axial patella x-ray, there are few methods and I'm not confident with this procedure. Merchant technique is not an option because I don't have equipment at my facility. If you can share some knowledge I would be really grateful. Sorry for mistakes, English is not my first language. submitted by /u/x-rayjj [link] [comments] source

Rad Tech School vs. MRI school

Hello all, I'm currently putting in my applications for Rad Tech programs and just realized there were MRI programs that I can apply to. I know that in the recent years MRI has become a primary modality. After doing more research and watching the YouTuber mriman, I feel like I would really enjoy being an MRI tech. My question is, do graduates from MRI schools have trouble getting hired because they aren't trained in multiple modalities? Would it be more beneficial for me to do rad tech school, then cross train into MRI? submitted by /u/lhuynh1234 [link] [comments] source

always the way

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

salivary glands/neck Ct scans with contrast

(F22) Does exposure to ct radiation cause premature aging and wrinkling and sagging of skin,? it would make sense but will it be obvious or will it not show? I had one and i can’t stop worrying about it. submitted by /u/Life-Space-361 [link] [comments] source

Best PACS solutions for small practice

Apologies if not allowed, just wondering what PACS solutions anyone can recommend for a small-medium practice that does their own ultrasounds. Ability to import measurements into templates for reporting and remote, web-based viewing is a must. Is there anything out there that's maybe subscription-based that doesn't cost six-figures? In terms of access this would be less than 10 sonographers and a couple of interpreting physicians. submitted by /u/totallynotabotAF [link] [comments] source

Nothing to see here

submitted by /u/reformedllama81 [link] [comments] source

Cause you had a bad day 🎶

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

Thyroid nodule TIRADS5, Radiology said can follow up next year or do biopsy… did biopsy… doc also said many of these do come back benign, as sometimes look scary on ultrasound and come out benign… any ideas for this?

submitted by /u/Other_Paint4539 [link] [comments] source


Hello fellow rad friends, I will be soon be spending plenty of time in EP lab, IR, places with fluoro/C-arm, and radiation in general. I've started looking at lead and doing my research but that doesn't beat your valuable first hand experience so I'm coming to you. As an anesthesia person, I sit at the head of the bed and often have to turn my back to the irradiating source in order to draw up drugs etc. I do have a screen between me and the surgical field but it has a habit of moving on me, as does the C-arm. Any recommendations on what would be safe/comfortable? Is it impossible to buy something safe and comfortable that's light, but won't be a financial blow as much as it's looking like it might be? submitted by /u/ketameme28 [link] [comments] source

MRI - There seems to be something extra in this knee...

submitted by /u/JoestarDoctor [link] [comments] source

“Jones Fracture” left foot. Urgent care put me in a temporary splint until I can get to an orthopedist on Monday. What’s my prognosis look like based on the report, XRays?

submitted by /u/frijolita_bonita [link] [comments] source

[Medical Imaging Case] OA / FAI?

Curious to see what other med students think of this. I found this under radiopaedia under "diagnoses uncertain" for FAI. Does this look like a pincer impingement or just mild OA? submitted by /u/Previous-Celery-7524 [link] [comments] source

Any good podcasts?

I’m a first year rad tech student and I have an hour drive to my clinical site 3 days a week. I was wondering if there are any good podcasts you guys listen to that are anatomy or radiology related :). TIA submitted by /u/crazybarista98 [link] [comments] source

Lumbar X-rays, how many abnormalities can you find? Healthy 29Y F received report from tech, but no referrals or recommendations. Constant stretching due to tight feeling in lower back, just ordered an inversion table.

submitted by /u/angela4k4geek [link] [comments] source

Any recommendations for online CT practice tests?

Hi, I am in need of some recommendations for online practice tests for the CT registry. I currently have Mosby’s exam review 3rd edition, but I’ve heard that the in the book tests are better than the online tests. I just need something to click through on my downtime that will actually reflect the exam. submitted by /u/South-Phrase-1882 [link] [comments] source

Well that makes cents!

submitted by /u/aliael14 [link] [comments] source

Radiology King 🦴 👑

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

Damn Bucky

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Chiari malformation???

submitted by /u/bmig97 [link] [comments] source

Vision for Rad Techs?

I just started looking into Radiographer AAS and this seems like something I’d be highly interested in. I really want to work in the medical field but am unsure about Nursing. My only question really that I can’t seem to find an answer to anywhere is about vision. I wear glasses. I don’t have horrible vision, one of my eyes is nearly perfect. The other is pretty bad for far-sightedness. With glasses/contacts I have no issues at all. Will this be a reason to stop me from being able to work in this field? submitted by /u/Conversation_Sixteen [link] [comments] source

I wonder what those dots are

submitted by /u/Tuxetti [link] [comments] source

I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. This is my right wrist and it’s one of my worst joints.

submitted by /u/edszebra22 [link] [comments] source


I am a first semester freshmen in a Rad Tech program. I currently have 1 comp in clinical and need 4 for the semester. Everything I show the supervisor is getting denied. I’m just wondering what happens if I get to the end of the semester without enough comps? Am I just kicked out of the program? submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Step673 [link] [comments] source

Noobie here

Hi guys , I'm a student radiographer and currently working at 16 slice CT machine by siemens. The software is quite difficult to understand. Is there any way i can install the similar aoftware on my PC to get the idea of the software. I just need the software not the actual CT machine. Kindly help me out here. submitted by /u/koshur_mukhbir [link] [comments] source

Percutaneous Radiological Gastrostomy Tube Placement

submitted by /u/angioseal [link] [comments] source

When you’re doing a portable

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

Back breaking work

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

C1 Burst Fracture

submitted by /u/E11i0t [link] [comments] source

Had some Halloween decorations, a tube and some time on my hands

submitted by /u/15minutesofshame [link] [comments] source

Bilateral lateral semicircular canal dysplasia

submitted by /u/RockHardRocks [link] [comments] source

Cute osteochondroma in an unusual location.

submitted by /u/RockHardRocks [link] [comments] source

Don’t eat raw pork!!

submitted by /u/aliael14 [link] [comments] source

Hmmm…anyone see anything wrong here?

submitted by /u/aliael14 [link] [comments] source

Weekly Career / General Questions Thread

This is the career / general questions thread for the week. Questions about radiology as a career (both as a medical specialty and radiologic technology), student questions, workplace guidance, and everyday inquiries are welcome here. This thread and this subreddit in general are not the place for medical advice. If you do not have results for your exam, your provider/physician is the best source for information regarding your exam. Posts of this sort that are posted outside of the weekly thread will continue to be removed. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] source

Pretty much

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Our CT is a Cat

submitted by /u/girthemoose [link] [comments] source

shrapnel from air bomb 1941...

submitted by /u/VsevolodZviryk [link] [comments] source

Radiology Podcast. Very educational! Please show support and subscribe 😀👍🏻

submitted by /u/Zone3Podcast [link] [comments] source

Gone is the age of CR

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Remember kids, don't do COVID.

submitted by /u/BalladOfWormz [link] [comments] source

I get it and the dog is cute but no 🤦🏻‍♀️

submitted by /u/-une-ame-solitaire- [link] [comments] source

I have a lot of instability everywhere in my wrists thanks to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I deal with constant subluxations every day and chronic pain, and I am finally getting my wrists checked out. Enjoy!

submitted by /u/Awesomefulninja [link] [comments] source

Extravasation of Contrast Media during CT scans

Hello!! I am looking for fellow Radiologists and CT Radiographers who can help me out with this short survey on Extravasations of Contrast Media during CT scans. I am an aspiring Biomedical Engineer who seeks to develop a solution for the early detection of contrast media extravasation in soft tissue. I would really love to hear from any radiologists and radiographers on their experiences with extravasations. submitted by /u/Biomedical-Engineer- [link] [comments] source

CTA Question.

So I have a question. I’m in the recovery phase of covid and I’m coughing up blood, yes I’ve been to the ER. I’ve had a CTA done, doing a repeat one Monday. My question is does a CTA just look at the arteries or will it be able to see other things too. Will it be able to see pulmonary edema, pneumonia and things like that or does it specially look at the vessels and blood flow? submitted by /u/Mobile_Coconut_9293 [link] [comments] source

Took a lat picture of my spine today at work since i was haveing pains lately. Scheuermann?

submitted by /u/TurboRetardedTrader [link] [comments] source

Advantages/Disadvantages of 2T vs 3T for MRA of Head and Neck?

There’s two radiology places near me for an MRA of the head and neck I need to get done. One place has a 2T machine and the other has a 3T machine. Both examines are without contrast and my insurance works at both places. Trying to determine which one is “better” for the exam as I’ve read there are pros and cons of each scanner. submitted by /u/johndoejohndoes [link] [comments] source

A double left ventricle

submitted by /u/RandomTomdom [link] [comments] source

Am I trippin or does this patient have haustral markings up by the diaphragm?!

submitted by /u/itsbeezybitch [link] [comments] source

Hospital administration only care about numbers.

submitted by /u/tule123 [link] [comments] source

How do you know what you’re looking at?!

submitted by /u/Trigeminy [link] [comments] source

Lumbar MRI with contrast

Earlier this year. I was given MRI lumbar spine with and without intravenous contrast at ED. Online Portal does not mention use of Gadolinium or how much was used. Where can I find this information? Also, on average how much gadolinium is used for Lumbar contrast? submitted by /u/WarVegetable [link] [comments] source

God bless

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Has anyone noticed an increase in Gadavist contrast reactions lately?

My hospital has had a string of true gadolinium contrast reactions lately-- something that should be incredibly rare. I'm wondering if this trend is systemic in any way or just a very improbable sequence of bad luck. submitted by /u/commodores12 [link] [comments] source

Thats great

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

What type of brain tumor could be? Thank you!

submitted by /u/BowlerDowntown89 [link] [comments] source

Are there any laptop screens (Apple or windows) that meet the standard for PACS monitors?

I’m a pulmonologist and would like to review images from home without having to buy a dedicated monitor and just curious if something is out there. I tried to google but struck out. Thanks in advance! submitted by /u/dartsdoc [link] [comments] source

Do CTA scans do the same thing as normal CT scans?

I had a CTA scan done (in reality I was having it done to check for tumors) not long ago and I was wondering if any of the diagnostic features of a normal CT scan are lost or different in a CTA. I am not very knowledgeable and was wondering if anyone could inform me. submitted by /u/Time-Armadillo8544 [link] [comments] source

Student in NY state

Can anyone tell me how the job market is? I am a first year student, and I’m in nyc specifically, instructors have made it seem like a lucrative field but I’m nervous after reading some of these posts. submitted by /u/oflugr [link] [comments] source

MSK unknown case #11

Let's discuss then enjoy the 3 mints lecture- submitted by /u/sweetwero [link] [comments] source

For those those who left being a rad tech to a new career, what did you do?

I've only been a rad tech for one year, so I know shouldn't be expecting to make a lot right away, but I'm starting to doubt if our career is really financially viable. I keep hearing about how nurses get crazy sign-on bonuses, and can easily gross 6 figures for example. Same thing in tech and engineering fields. But tech wages seem to be rather stagnant... especially if Amazon warehouses and stuff are hiring at 25+ an hour.... Not that I'm saying they should get paid less, but it's starting to feel like our career is kinda pointless if our wages are going nowhere. Not to mention the rampant inflation going on and I have yet to see any signs of a good raise incoming. I'm thinking about learning MRI to hopefully get a better job/salary, but I'm not sure if I should stay as a tech at all if we're gonna be left behind. Has anybody switched to something else like nursing? Or should I get out of healthcare entirely if the government will keep cutting funds?...

Online CT Registry Review

I live in New York and am planning on taking my CT registry exam soon. What’s a good online subscription to study from? I used (which is the Lange book material) for my X-ray exam and I loved it because it would tell me if I got the question right or wrong right when I answered but I’m not seeing a CT option on their site. If I use the Lange book I’d have to flip to the answers every time. Does anyone know if this is any good? Thanks submitted by /u/ithinkjengaisagame [link] [comments] source

MRI/CT positions in Minneapolis metro Our healthcare system has lots of Ct and MRI positions open due to adding on more MRI scanner. Mostly clinic jobs with good tech - patient ratio. Just trying to spread the word because this is the best job I’ve had ( pay wise and work flow wise) and I see so many ppl posting about low pay positions. There are great opportunities out there for techs! submitted by /u/Pappymommy [link] [comments] source

You may enter the cave of wisdom my child

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

What is the best, most specific compliment you could receive as a radiologist?

For example if you were to tell a drummer, "wow you were really in the pocket" means he/she kept perfect time within the song. I'm curious if there's a similar inside-baseball compliment you could pay a radiologist. submitted by /u/MartyVentura [link] [comments] source

Great zone3podcast episode this week!

submitted by /u/Zone3Podcast [link] [comments] source

A question for our rad therapy and rad oncology friends.

What is your perception of the medical dosimetrist? Do they ever interact with therapists or patients? Are they kept away in an office and separated from the frontline care providers? submitted by /u/Gribblet_1999 [link] [comments] source

Enchondroma. Can an x-ray tell if benign or not?

submitted by /u/cupcakesandarsenic [link] [comments] source

I'm confused by this... Supposedly B is the right ventricle of the heart, but shouldn't CT scans be inversed so that the right is on my left and the left is on my right? How do I tell left from right?

submitted by /u/aShinyFuture [link] [comments] source

Why are missing ligaments on an MRI considered to be ruptured?

I looked at the notes for an ankle MRI recently where the radiologist wrote that the ATFL ligament could not be demarcated. Later she wrote that the ATFL was completely ruptured, but I can't work out how she came to that conclusion if she couldn't distinguish it on the image. I think I've seen this before and I tried to use Google to work why this is a sign of a complete rupture, but I can't seem to find anything that says why this is. Isn't it possible that the MRI just misses the ligament? Does someone know about this? submitted by /u/whoreallyisyofriend [link] [comments] source

What does "Right Middle Lobe Nodule" means?

Sorry, my previous post was requesting medical advice and that's prohibited, apologies for that. What does "Right Middle Lobe Nodule" means? Just saw this on my mother's CT Scan and wanted to run by the experts. Thanks in advance for your assistance! submitted by /u/papayaandbananabro [link] [comments] source

Thyroid Collar and lead apron

submitted by /u/sandeep09800 [link] [comments] source

CT it all

submitted by /u/didgey100 [link] [comments] source

Normal anatomy imaging decks

Guys can anyone help a poor soul who desperately wants to pass the anatomy exam for frcr part 1 in a month 😅 Any anki decks available, I’ve searched so much, there are pathology decks but I couldn’t find an exhaustive normal anatomy deck. Any leads? Thankyou! submitted by /u/Ammwhat [link] [comments] source

Previous working experience in hospital important for radiology residency?

I am thinking of becoming a radiologist, I have my PhD in radiology. Before applying for residency I would like to work a bit to gain experience. I wonder if it matters whether I work inside or outside hospital. submitted by /u/hitsi [link] [comments] source

What job would be better for Rad Tech school? EMT or Personal Trainer

Hi, I have both certificates to do both but my issues is I can’t work both jobs during my program. EMT is great because it get me a foot in the door working at hospitals and learning patient care but Personal training can net me more money with less hours of work. Also I work both jobs but EMT was stressful compared to personal training. Any Advice? submitted by /u/Any_Introduction_81 [link] [comments] source

Hydro secondary to UPJ obstruction

submitted by /u/Cordyanza [link] [comments] source

can't tell if cspine lesions or artifact/normal csf circulation pattern..

submitted by /u/Due_Ad_4546 [link] [comments] source